Oraingoan beste adiskide batek bere haserrea erakutsi dit bloga euskaraz eta ingelesez "baino" ez dagoelako... Bota dizkiodan argudioak aurreko posteko berberak izan dira, baina haserre puntu bat bai nabaritu dut neugan (berari ez diot hau aditzera eman, baina).
Ez dakit ez ote den hazten ari euskaldunon azpiespezie bat: euskara babesten dutela esaten dutenena gaztelania babesten ari direnean... Eta ia ohartu ere egin gabe... Jamaika ikusteko jaio gaituk!
Edozein modutan, gaziak gozatzeko, hona Eitb-k atera duen iragarkia. Barregarria eta zorrotza aldi berean. Gozatu.
Ikusten ez bada, hemen klikatu
There has been an other friend of mine who was almost outraged because this blog is "just" in both English and Basque; not in Spanish. The reasons I've given her have been the same ones from the previous post. But this time I felt a little bit of anger growing in me, even though my response has been politically correct.
I've began to think that there might be a subspecies of Basque people: those who claim to be protecting Basque while they actually are defending Spanish... And they don't even realize what they are doing...
Anyway, just to put a bit of humor in all this, have a look at this clip above. Eitb (the Basque Media Network) has been awarded a "Q" of quality, so they have made this ad to celebrate it. In the discussion the Russians think that they are under attack. When the chief asks who they are, the answer is "the Basques"... Enjoy!
If you cannot see it, click here
2 iruzkin:
Gaztelera Cervantesen hizkuntza baldin bada, ingelesa Shakespearerena da, bien sur. Latina Homerorena, greziera (klasikoa) Aristotelesena (?). Alemaniera Goetherena, italiera Danterena, portugesa Saramagorena, euskara Axularrena,... Eta frantsesa?
Ezta ideiarik ere... Baudelaire, Molière, Rimbaud, Zola? Hala ere, frantsesa oso gustuko dudan arren ez zait gauza bera gertatzen frantsestasunarekin kasu askotan... Beraz, nori axola dio?
Argitaratu iruzkina