Madriden izan zen bilkura hari "ekintza liturgiko" izena ezarri nahi izan zioten, mitina dei ziezaioketen modu berean.
Penagarriena ez da pertsona batzuek horrela pentsatzea. Hori zilegi da. Baina Elizaren izenean egitea larria da, benetan. Han egon zirenetako askori ikaragarri gustatuko litzaieke eliztar denok iritzi berekoak izatea. Eta horri "komunioa" deituko liokete.
Bada, ez, hori ez da komunioa. Nire irudiko, desberdinen artean lortzen den batasuna da komunioa, desberdintasunei, aniztasunari eutsiz.
Eta Madriden iradoki zuten guztiz kontrakoa, alegia, "gure familia ereduarekin bat ez datorren guztia ez da familia". Eta kitto... Ez dut nik Jesus ikusten horrelakoak botatzen...
There has been recently a so-called "liturgical act" which turned out to be a political demonstration. The motto was the defense of the Family and the callers the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Rouco Varela and most of the right wing movements of that diocese (specially Kiko Argüello's "neo-catechumenals"). The attendants were less than 180.000 where more than 1.5 million were expected.
As said, it turned out to be a pre-election meeting, conceived just against the policies promoted by the labour government of Rodríguez Zapatero, as gay marriage, the so-called divorce-express law and the funds for single mothers (!).
I don't see much of Jesus in that kind of demonstrations. In this State of ours Church and State are not yet completely separated, and Bishops feel they could have an influence over the politics of Spain. Another way to retain power...
What a pity!
2 iruzkin:
Familia gora, familia behera, familia gora gotzainak, ai, ai, ai, ai!
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