
Forges, telebista eta beste - Forges, television & sth else

Forges-ek, askotan bezala, bete-betean asmatu du oraingoan. Gutako asko komikiko pazientearen modura sentitzen gara, batetik geure kristau eta eliztar izateari eutsi nahian, eta bestetik "hor ez nabiek gure" pentsatuz. Eskerrak ez den dena kolore berekoa...

Esaterako, lehengo egunean, KALAKA saioan izan nintzen, agindu bezala, eta OPUSeko emakume jator batekin, Itxaro Solozabal, Miramonera eraman gintuen taxian joateko zorte ona izan nuen. OPUSekoa esan dut, bai; baita "jatorra" ere. Ezusteko atsegina izan zen: elkarren argudioak entzun eta errespetatu egin genituela esango nuke. Gure Joxe Arregi estimatua ere bertan izan zen. Haren iritziekin erabat ados ikusi nuen neure burua, berak nireak ikusiko zituen modu berean, seguru asko. Eta Koldo Martínez, neure izenkidea, izenean baino askoz gehiagotan dut kide: Arrasatekoa, San Viatorren ikasia, Arrasaten eta Gasteizen... eta bestelako loturak ere konpartitzen ditugu... Eta eskuz binakako txapeldunetako bat (Aimar Olaizola) ere agurtzeko modua izan nuen.

Oso ondo tratatu gintuzten eta, iradoki zutena egia bada, ez da deitzen nauten azken aldia izango. Ni, pozik. Zertarako esan kontrakoa? ATBn eman nituen lau urteak etorri zitzaizkidan gogora, bizi-bizi.

The comic strip above says something like this: "Either you stop caring about whatever the Bishops Conference says or you apostatize, but this has to stop". It reflects quite well how many of us feel too many times: willing to stay a member of the Church and a Christian and sensing something like "They don't want me here". But not everything is the same, thanks be to God...

For instance, I went, as promised, to the KALAKA show. The greatest thing was the people I met, over all a woman, Itxaro Solozabal, who belongs to OPUS, although she is a very nice person. We had the opportunity of sharing our thoughts and we respected each other very much. Joxe Arregi, a Franciscan friend of mine was there too; and Koldo Martínez, a doctor whom I share lots of things with, apart from the name. And there was also the Pelota champion Aimar Olaizola whom I had the chance to greet.

I enjoyed myself there. If I got it right, they are going to call me some other times to give my opinions in the show on religious matters. It reminds me of the times I worked in ATB, a local TV Network in Arrasate. I'll get you posted.



Iparraldeko hitz horrek "berriketan" esan nahi omen du. Ibon Sarasolaren Euskal hiztegiak honako ordaina ematen du: "2. Berriketa, berezk. gogaikarria dena" (kurtsiba neuk ipinita). Bada, asteazken honetan, martxoaren 26an, ETB1eko KALAKA saioko kalakari bat izateko gonbidatu naute. Gaia, Pagolaren "Jesús" liburua, hementxe duzuen bera. Gaueko 10:15etan hastekoa omen da eta espero dut gogaikarri ez gertatzea telebista aurrean jarriko zareten guztioi. Izan ere, eta dakidanagatik, Opusekoren bat ere izango da eta Joxe Arregi adiskidea. Beraz, eztabaida nahi bada, horixe bera egongo da, niri dagokidan partean, behintzat.

Bide batez, Pazko zoriontsua guztiontzat!


I've been invited to appear in a TV show next Wednesday, March 26, at 9:15 p.m. (GTM) - 2:15 p.m. local time in Chicago. The main topic is going to be the book "Jesús-Aproximación histórica" which I wrote about some posts ago. You might be able to look for some information about the show in this link, but I'm afraid you are not going to be able to watch it (I checked it out). Anyway, the channel's name is ETB 1 (Euskal Telebista 1) and the whole show is going to be in Basque. You wouldn't be able to understand much, I'm afraid. I'll tell you how it went.

By the way, I wish you a very happy Easter. Christ has raised!


Rouco? Niri bost - New President for the Bishop's Conference: I don't care

Rouco aukeratu dute inork aukeratu ez dituen horiek beren presidente izateko. Eta guri zer? Konferentzia horretako partaide izateko izendatu zituztenean ez ziguten guri galdetu. Ez digute galdetu ezta ea nor nahiago genuen presidentetzarako. Zeren haiek bai dira gai (gay ez, e!)zentzuzko aukerak egiteko. Gu, oinarriko kristauok ez, ordea. Beti "beste batzuek" esaten dutenari egin behar diogu kasu, guk ez baitakigu zer den ona guretzat...

Akaso umekeria dela esango duzue, baina niri kasu pitorik ere egiten ez didanari ez daukat zertan nik egin. Beraz, bejondeiela beren presidente dontsu horrekin. Patatekin jan dezatela!


The Spanish Bishops have elected their president. He is Antonio María Rouco Varela, the guy in the picture. The picture doesn't show, though, how right wing and neocon he is. Since next Sunday will be the election for the Spanish Congress, there was a big fuss about who would turn out president of the bishops: they could chose between the rightest wing ever (Rouco) or one of the rightest (Blázquez). You know now what their choice has been.

Do I care? Not in the least. No one asked us who we wanted to be our bishop. No one of the members of that group has been elected by the Christian People; "someones" appointed them. Why should I expect any hint of Democracy from where never was none?

So, let's live our Christian lives not paying attention to them. They don't deserve we give them any protagonism: they are NOT important. The poor are.