Euskaren egunarekin batera Aitaren heriotzaren urteurrena izaten da. Aurten zazpigarrena. Bat batean joan zitzaigun hartan, 72 urte eskas zituela, ez genuen uste inoiz gaindituko genukeenik guztiz. Baina hala izan da, zorionez. Fedeak asko lagundu digu, Amari eta bioi bereziki. Baina maite duzunak uzten duen zuloa ez du ezerk betetzen, hala ere.
Eta ospakizunekin gaudela, esan dezadan San Frantzisko Xabierkoa ere ospatzen dugula gaur. Eta santu euskaldun ausart hau oso garrantzitsua da niretzat, bere etxe izandako gazteluaren ondoan egin bainituen hilabeteko gogo-ihardunak, duela 14 urte honez gero... Han berriz jaio izanak baretu egiten dit, nolabait, aitaren heriotzagatiko mina...
December 3 being Euskara's day, it is also the anniversary of my Father's sudden death. He passed away 7 years ago, when he was 72. Hadn't it been for our Faith, the blow would have been far more unbearable than it has actually been. We all caress his loving memories; unfortunately, his void could not be filled in any way...
Today, we celebrate Saint Francis Xavier's feast too. This Basque Saint is very important for me, since I was newborn right beside his castle, as I took there my month-retreat, the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loiola, in 1993. This fact helps me soothe Aita's death whenever this day comes...
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