Oraingoan beste adiskide batek bere haserrea erakutsi dit bloga euskaraz eta ingelesez "baino" ez dagoelako... Bota dizkiodan argudioak aurreko posteko berberak izan dira, baina haserre puntu bat bai nabaritu dut neugan (berari ez diot hau aditzera eman, baina).
Ez dakit ez ote den hazten ari euskaldunon azpiespezie bat: euskara babesten dutela esaten dutenena gaztelania babesten ari direnean... Eta ia ohartu ere egin gabe... Jamaika ikusteko jaio gaituk!
Edozein modutan, gaziak gozatzeko, hona Eitb-k atera duen iragarkia. Barregarria eta zorrotza aldi berean. Gozatu.
Ikusten ez bada, hemen klikatu
There has been an other friend of mine who was almost outraged because this blog is "just" in both English and Basque; not in Spanish. The reasons I've given her have been the same ones from the previous post. But this time I felt a little bit of anger growing in me, even though my response has been politically correct.
I've began to think that there might be a subspecies of Basque people: those who claim to be protecting Basque while they actually are defending Spanish... And they don't even realize what they are doing...
Anyway, just to put a bit of humor in all this, have a look at this clip above. Eitb (the Basque Media Network) has been awarded a "Q" of quality, so they have made this ad to celebrate it. In the discussion the Russians think that they are under attack. When the chief asks who they are, the answer is "the Basques"... Enjoy!
If you cannot see it, click here
Koldo deitzen didate, jatorriz Luis Angel naizen arren. Gasteizen jaioa 1959. urtean eta komunitate erlijioso baten kide ohia. Bilbon bizi naiz, Miribillan, eta euskarako irakasle funtzionaria naiz institutu batean. Erlijioko irakaslea urtetan, klaseok ingelesez ere eman izan ditut. Izan ere hizkuntzak dira nire zaletasun nabarmen bat. Elizaren bilakaera (boterea, sexualitatea, emakumea, gayak...), justizia eta pobreak ditut ardura nagusietako batzuk.
La lengua de Cervantes

Atzo adiskide min batek galdetu zidan, harrituta, ea gaztelania gorroto nuen, blog honetara sartu eta euskaraz eta ingelesez idatzitako postak ikusten zituelako, ez gaztelaniaz, ordea. Ezetz esan nion, jakina, dakizkidan hizkuntza guztiak (5) maite baititut, gaztelania barne.
Tristea deritzot, hala ere, ondoren eman nizkion azalpenak eman behar izate hutsari: euskara nire hizkuntza dela, amets egin, otoitz egin eta pentsatzeko erabiltzen dudana; hainbat lagun nituela "overseas" idazten nituen kontuak interesez irakurtzen dituztenak. Baina ematen ahaztu zitzaidan argudio nagusia eman ez izana da tristeena: hizkuntzen (des)oreka bizi dugun honetan, gaztelaniak ez duela inondik inora ere nire babesaren beharrik; euskarak bai, ordea. Eta ingelesarekin lotzean, modernotasunaren aroan sartzen laguntzen diodala otutzen zait.
Nik ez dut sinesten hizkuntzen arteko oreka posible denik. Eta nirearen alde egiten dut dakidan eta ahal dudan bitarteko eraginkorrenekin. Badira, tamalez, euskara hutsezko konturik begi onez ikusten ez dutenik, gaztelania hutsezkoak egunez egun eta arlo guztietan etengabe ikusten ohituta. Ez naiz ni, bada, horietakoa...

A very dear friend of mine told me last night that she was shocked by the fact that this blog was written just in Basque and English, without any Spanish in it. She wondered whether I hated Cervantes' tongue (that's the headline's translation). Of course I don't. I happen to love every one of the 5 languages I can use.
It was quite sad for me, though, to have to remind her about Basque being my mother tongue, the one I use to think, dream and pray. I don't see why I should link it to Spanish. Like Basque couldn't live by itself, without the Spanish's 'help'; no way.
On the other hand, the reason for this to be written in English is mainly to make this blog understandable for many people around the World; but also to link my weak mother tongue to the main current of modernity, which, in fact, expresses itself in English.
I don't believe that perfect balance between languages is possible. That's why I struggle in all ways at hand to put mine in a better position; I don't think Spanish need my protection, does it?
Betikoek betikoa - Just as always: they again!
Bart nire herri honetan izandako eztandaren irudiak dira hemen gainean ikus ditzakezunak. Komentariorik ez dela behar uste dut nik, baina gauza bakarra otutzen zait: utzi gaitzazue bakean!!
Last night there was an explosion at the local court in Sestao. The bomb was set by ETA, that's for sure. No comment. I just want to ask them to leave us alone for good!!!
Jainkoak Mundua gorroto du! - God hates the World!
http://view.break.com/278059 - Watch more free videos
Sinistu edo ez, horixe bera esaten dute kantuz Eliz Baptista xelebre honetako kideek. Bideoan barrena ikusten diren pankartetan, era honetako esaldi borobilak irakur daitezke: "Jainkoak Mundua gorroto du" "Beranduegi otoitzean hasteko" "Eskerrak, Jauna, irailaren 11gatik" "Marikoiek galbidera daramatzate herriak" "Jainkoak gorroto zaitu"... Denak neurri beretsuko "lindezak". Halakorik!
(Azken 30'' hotzikarak emateko modukoak dira)
No comment. Look for yourself. (The last 30'' are really going to chill your blood...)
Agur aita!
Euskaren egunarekin batera Aitaren heriotzaren urteurrena izaten da. Aurten zazpigarrena. Bat batean joan zitzaigun hartan, 72 urte eskas zituela, ez genuen uste inoiz gaindituko genukeenik guztiz. Baina hala izan da, zorionez. Fedeak asko lagundu digu, Amari eta bioi bereziki. Baina maite duzunak uzten duen zuloa ez du ezerk betetzen, hala ere.
Eta ospakizunekin gaudela, esan dezadan San Frantzisko Xabierkoa ere ospatzen dugula gaur. Eta santu euskaldun ausart hau oso garrantzitsua da niretzat, bere etxe izandako gazteluaren ondoan egin bainituen hilabeteko gogo-ihardunak, duela 14 urte honez gero... Han berriz jaio izanak baretu egiten dit, nolabait, aitaren heriotzagatiko mina...
December 3 being Euskara's day, it is also the anniversary of my Father's sudden death. He passed away 7 years ago, when he was 72. Hadn't it been for our Faith, the blow would have been far more unbearable than it has actually been. We all caress his loving memories; unfortunately, his void could not be filled in any way...
Today, we celebrate Saint Francis Xavier's feast too. This Basque Saint is very important for me, since I was newborn right beside his castle, as I took there my month-retreat, the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loiola, in 1993. This fact helps me soothe Aita's death whenever this day comes...
Eta ospakizunekin gaudela, esan dezadan San Frantzisko Xabierkoa ere ospatzen dugula gaur. Eta santu euskaldun ausart hau oso garrantzitsua da niretzat, bere etxe izandako gazteluaren ondoan egin bainituen hilabeteko gogo-ihardunak, duela 14 urte honez gero... Han berriz jaio izanak baretu egiten dit, nolabait, aitaren heriotzagatiko mina...
December 3 being Euskara's day, it is also the anniversary of my Father's sudden death. He passed away 7 years ago, when he was 72. Hadn't it been for our Faith, the blow would have been far more unbearable than it has actually been. We all caress his loving memories; unfortunately, his void could not be filled in any way...
Today, we celebrate Saint Francis Xavier's feast too. This Basque Saint is very important for me, since I was newborn right beside his castle, as I took there my month-retreat, the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loiola, in 1993. This fact helps me soothe Aita's death whenever this day comes...
Euskararen eguna - Basque language day

Gaur euskararen eguna da. Ez genuen asko nabarituko, seguru asko, zenbait iragarki ofizial alde batera utzita. Iragarki horiek parekatu egiten ditut nik, ba, gabonak direla-eta adierazi ohi ditugun zorion eta bake desio horiek guztiekin. Ez dute ia ezertarako balio, baina gabonetako jaiotza edo arbola bezalakoak dira: ezinbestekoak.
Gure hizkuntzak desio hutsak baino zerbait gehiago behar du gu guztiongandik, biziraupena ziurtatuko badiogu. Bake eta zorionarekin bezala, ni ere jarriko naiz euskararentzat etorkizun hobea eskuratzeko langintzan.
Today we celebrate the International Euskara's Day, the feast of our tongue, the oldest surviving one in Europe. We have come so far overcoming the challenges many other languages and cultures have put before ours. We survived the Iberian, once our neighbor, now long gone; Latin came and melted itself into Gascon, French and Spanish around our old Euskara, and it still survived; modern times came too with lots of new dangers and opportunities: here we are, facing future with hope.
I wish our inheritance would last, at least, another three thousands years...
Harpidetu honetara:
Mezuak (Atom)