Hurrengora arte!
That's it. My poor English needs some polishing, so the Basque Government has granted me a three weeks stay in Bristol (UK) in order to take a course for English language improvement. I'll be living with the Ireland family in a victorian house and I intend to enjoy myself as much as I can. We are some 11 people -teachers- who will be leaving from Bilbao next Sunday morning and coming back on December 20. In the meanwhile, lots of fun, I hope. I'll get you posted, don't worry.
3 iruzkin:
Good luck, my friend.
Good luck and enjoy your english! Hope to meet for an english tea when you come back. Ondo pasa! Alvaro
Bizi zara!! zure berri blog honen bidez bakarrik izaten dudanez, mundu honetatik ere exklaustratu ote zinen pentsatzen nengoen.
Ondo pasa Bristolen eta ingeles asko-asko ikasi.
Eraman berogarriren bat!!
Laster arte
Argitaratu iruzkina