Gaur, oposizioetako azterketa dudan honetan, euskararen aldeko zerbait jarri nahi dut hemen, labur-labur, berrikusi behar ditut apunteak eta. Bideoklip miresgarri hau egin dute Hizkuntza Politikako Sailburuordetzatik. Ea gustuko duzun! (eta opa zorte on azterketan!)
In this videoclip above you can see some young people encouraging everyone to talk or learn Basque, our national language. Today I am going to take the exam to become Basque Teacher Civil Servant. This post wants to be kind of a homage to my mother tongue. Wish me good luck!!
Koldo deitzen didate, jatorriz Luis Angel naizen arren. Gasteizen jaioa 1959. urtean eta komunitate erlijioso baten kide ohia. Bilbon bizi naiz, Miribillan, eta euskarako irakasle funtzionaria naiz institutu batean. Erlijioko irakaslea urtetan, klaseok ingelesez ere eman izan ditut. Izan ere hizkuntzak dira nire zaletasun nabarmen bat. Elizaren bilakaera (boterea, sexualitatea, emakumea, gayak...), justizia eta pobreak ditut ardura nagusietako batzuk.
Zer nahi, hura ikusi - We do chose what to see
Ikusi nahi ez duguna inongo ahaleginik gabe oharkabean pasatzen zaigu. Horren susmoa badugu, jakina. Baina hona hemen froga zirraragarria. Ikasleekin lantzeko kontu interesgarria.
Whenever something displeases us we chose unconsciously not to see it. We have always suspected that, but there is proof now. Watch it. It's worth it. My students are going to reflect on that.
Whenever something displeases us we chose unconsciously not to see it. We have always suspected that, but there is proof now. Watch it. It's worth it. My students are going to reflect on that.
Jainko Ama - Mother God
Ipuin xarmangarri hau aurkitu dut sarean nenbilela. Jainkoa Ama baten modura azaltzen du; eta egiatik oso hurbil dagoela deritzot, bihotzak eta barrunbeek esaten didate. Ur freskoa edatea baino osasungarriagoa. Eta bistarentzat ere, oso atsegina. Gomendatzen dizut, biziki. Utziezu iruzkinen bat, eskertu egingo dute (Ipuina gaztelaniaz dago, sorry).
Jainko Amaren ipuina

Surfing through the Internet one can always find some pearls among all the junk. This is the case. Two wonderful women tell us a tale about God being a mum. It's so refreshing! Even more in these times, when so many prophets of the disaster make themselves almost the only ones heard. The drawings too are very nice. A true gift. (in Spanish, though)
Mother God's Tale
Jainko Amaren ipuina

Surfing through the Internet one can always find some pearls among all the junk. This is the case. Two wonderful women tell us a tale about God being a mum. It's so refreshing! Even more in these times, when so many prophets of the disaster make themselves almost the only ones heard. The drawings too are very nice. A true gift. (in Spanish, though)
Mother God's Tale
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