Sarean gora eta behera nenbilela, "
Otro Dios es posible" webgunea aurkitu nuen. Biziki gomendatzen dizuet. "
Un Tal Jesús"-en egileen beste maisulan bat, alafede. Bertan Jesukristo berriz Lurrera etorriko balitz egingo lizkioketen elkarrizketa batzuk (100) azaltzen dira. Gaika sailkaturik daude eta hainbat pertsonek, sinestedunek eta bestelako kontutan fededun direnek ere bere buruari galdetzen dizkioten hainbat kontu entzun eta irakur daitezke. Gaur, Homofobiaren Kontrako Nazioarteko Egunean, honako
hau gomendatzen dizuet.
Surfing through the web, I found out a small miracle. Jesus Christ has come again and has granted 100 interviews in
this site, called like the title of this post. The interviews are more than interesting, in Spanish though. The makers did also
Un Tal Jesús, a radio broadcast about the Gospel. This site has all the chapters in Spanish, Portuguese and ENGLISH. Today, while the International Day against Homophobia is being celebrated all around the world, I recommend you
this chapter. Enjoy it.
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