Biok geratu ginen gustura esandakoez. Erlatibismoaren kontrako gurutzada hasi den honetan, guk ere erlatibizatu egin genituen geure iritziak eta esan garrantzizkoena ez dela Elizaren hierarkia edo antolakuntza; ezta bertan ematen diren giza eskubide oinarrizkoenen urraketa bera ere -inportanteak diren arren, jakina-, baizik ea Ebanjelioari eta Jesusi leialak ote garen batzuk eta besteak, ea Fedea ote dagoen egiten dugunaren sustraian edo bestelako interesak.
Manu Etxezortuk Donostiatik eta Lurrek bertatik abagune ederra eman ziguten adierazi nahi genuen guztia esateko, moztu gabe eta ondo taxututako galderak eginez. Zorionak bioi eta lan-talde osoari!
Yesterday, half an hour before previously scheduled, Borja Agirre on behalf of We Are Church and yours truly on behalf of Kristau Sarea were at the studio of Euskadi Irratia Radio Station. The topic? You know, same as always: Democracy in the Church, Election of Bishops, Role of women in the Church (or absence of it), gay marriage, the symbolic elections of a woman (Ms. Sorority) as a Bishop and Ms. Elena Sanz as head of the Spanish Bishops' Conference...
We felt at ease there, as we were able to speak our mind with almost no restrictions (just time: 20'). Anyway, I would underline the fact that all those battles we fight against authoritarianism, or sexism, or bigotry in the Church are not -mustn't be- our biggest concern. Instead, to be loyal followers of Jesus and his Gospel, to do everything based on our Faith and confidence in God is what drives us. And we said it so.
I want to thank all the crew there, specially Manu Etxezortu and Lur. Their well thought questions and their respect for our answers made it a good program, in my opinion. Thanks!
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