
Kristau Sarearen bideoa - The video of Kristau Sarea (Christian Net)

Kristau Sareako lagunok bideotxo hau egin dugu Madrideko "Redes Cristianas" kolektiboaren bilkuraren harira. Blog honen egile apalak aurkeztu egiten du eta hanka sartu behin baino gehiagotan. Ikusi eta epaitu.

Lerro hauen ostean, berriz, "Pásalo" saioan agertu ziren nire adierazpenak agertzen dira, bi zatitan agertu ere. Roger Etxegarai euskal kardinalaren deklarazioen harira hitz egin nuen, baita Kristau Sarea eta Redes Cristianas-i buruz ere.


"Kristau Sarea" (Christian Net in Basque) is a group I belong to, which met with dozens of similar groups last November, in Madrid (we were more than 500 people at that meeting). As a result, a final communication was written which pointed out the things that the Church (and us in it) could do better, even those that only could get better, since worse seems impossible...

Well, that paper is a little bit long, so we decided that it could be a good thing if we made a video trying to explain what was going on in it. This is the fruit of all our efforts. Watch and judge (just in Basque and Spanish -sorry!).

After these lines there are two other videos, which in fact are just one cut into two halves. It is in Spanish and, again there is me explaining to the Basque TV (ETB) some things about Kristau Sarea and the declarations of Basque Cardinal Roger Etxegarai, saying that marriage of priests is a question to discuss in the Church, not something already settled. The second one is about the discussion some attendants had afterwards (in Spanish).


Mario Iceta: nahi eta nahi ez / Like it or not, our new Bishop is here

Alea jacta est. Eleizbarrutiko gotzain laguntzaile izendatu habe, iñok ez jakik zelan. Hik bai, baina. Hire barri ez daukan eleizbarruti batera hator, haren alde ez dok sekula santan apusturik egin eta orain, barriz, hementxe hago. Hainbeste titulu izanik eta hizkuntza jakinik, ez juat pentsetan iñok sinistu leikenik ez dakianik hire izendapenak zer esan gura dauen. Ze izendapena onartu izanak berak larritzen naik gehien. Hona nik (eta hik) ikusten ditudan akats larrienak:

  • Eleizbarrutiak ez jok izan zeresanik hire izendapenean. Are gehiago, ez dok ezelan be bultzatu kontsultarik edo antzekorik, saihestu egin nahi izan diralako, konbentzituta nak. Ez egik espero irentsi behar ei hauen eleizbarrutiagandik ezelango harrera berorik. Harrera beroa egingo dosken bakarra "placet"-a emon dosken Ricardo izango dok eta bere zenbait adiskide, esaten dauana esaten dauala baietza emoten dotseen horreek berak. Ez nik, ez guk, ez askok, ezta gehienak be...
  • Hire euskaldun izate hori saldu nahi izana gure borondatearen ordain modura. Guk nahi geunkek, seguru, geure gotzaina euskalduna izatea. Baina guztiaren gainetik gure eleizbarrutiak behar eta nahi dauen pertsona izatea. Eta hori lapurtu egin deuskuzue. Ezelango lotsa barik.
  • Izan duan prestakuntzagaitik irakurri leikek OPUSen inguruko sentsibilitatea daukaala. Eta Antonio Mª Roucok -guk ez bezala- zerikusi handia izan dauala hire izendapenean. Hi pertsonalki epaitu gura barik -ez haut ezagutzen- burla itxura hartzen jotsat horri. Eta errespetu falta ikaragarria. Zelan izendatu leikek kredentzial horreek daukazan bat Bilboko eleizbarrutiko buruorde? Eleizbarruti honek hamaika akats jaukazak, baina hik ordezkatzen duan eredu horretatik oso hurrin jak, Jaungoikoari eskerrak.
  • Komuniñoa aitatuko juek -dozue- hire izendapena onartu daigun. Bada, ez. Komuniñoari muzin egin dotseen lehenak hi izendatu habenak izan dituk. Beraz, ez espero guregandik jarrera otzanik. Hipokrisia itzela jak planteamendu horretan eta horretaz jakitun gazak. Kontutan euki.
Apirilean izango dok hire "gotzaintzea" Jaun Done Jakue Bilboko katedralean. Ez nok hor egongo, protestan egiteko ez bada.


A new auxiliary bishop has been appointed for our diocese of Bilbao. He is suspiciously young (42) and so close to OPUS that many people among us are very worried. Because no one really knows what's going on the minds of the Church rulers (they don't want us to), even though everybody suspects the worst. In the letter above I tell him the 4 main mistakes I see in his appoinment: 1)The diocese had no say in it; 2)His being Basque is sold as a fulfillment of the diocese's will, which is not; 3)Bilbao Diocese being so self conscious and advanced in may fields, this appoinment sounds as a joke and a very big lack of respect for it; 4) They have not respected the communion in the Church, so it mustn't be an excuse to make us accept it.