Hona bideoklip harrigarri hau, azken aldi honetan sarean zabaldu dutena. Kelly familia kantari Alemaniako Loreley-ko jaialdian. Hunkigarria benetan!
In this video we listen to the old Basque song "Agur Jaunak" ("Farewell, gentlemen")sung by the Kelly Family in a festival in Loreley (Germany). It touched my heart, deep. The translation for the song would be something like this:
"Farewell, gentlemen, farewell.
Everyone of us was created by God,
both you all and us too.
Farewell, gentlemen, farewell,
here we are.
Farewell, gentlemen."
This currently sung by most Basque people at the end of parties or public events, while everyone stands up. Enjoy it.
Koldo deitzen didate, jatorriz Luis Angel naizen arren. Gasteizen jaioa 1959. urtean eta komunitate erlijioso baten kide ohia. Bilbon bizi naiz, Miribillan, eta euskarako irakasle funtzionaria naiz institutu batean. Erlijioko irakaslea urtetan, klaseok ingelesez ere eman izan ditut. Izan ere hizkuntzak dira nire zaletasun nabarmen bat. Elizaren bilakaera (boterea, sexualitatea, emakumea, gayak...), justizia eta pobreak ditut ardura nagusietako batzuk.
Ezin tentazioari eutsi! - I cannot resist the temptation!
Gure familian kontu "marroiak" beti izan dira barre algarako motibo. Horrexegatik, bideo hau ikusi dudanean, ezin tentazioari eutsi. . Asteburu ona izan.
Farts and things of the kind always have been a good reason to have a laugh in my family. That's why I cannot resist the temptation. Here you are and enjoy the weekend.
Heath Ledger hil da - Heath Ledger is dead

Oraindik artega, ezin dut sinetsi Heath Ledger (argazkian) hil denik. Bere buruaz beste egin duela diote batzuek, gaindosiaz izan dela besteek... Berdin dio. Brokeback Mountain filmean izan zuen papera ahaztezina gertatuko zaigu asko eta askori, ni tarteko. Goian bego.
Informazio gehiago hemen
I am still shocked by the news that Heath Ledger, main character of Brokeback Mountain, is dead. It could be suicide, overdose... who knows. But his image won't disappear from the minds of all those who were somehow affected by that wonderful movie. Rest in peace.
More information here
Zilarraren Ibilbidea - The Silver Path

Bertatik atera duten guztia (dirua, materiala, jokoak...) Sahararrentzat izango da eta badirudi jende askoren laguntza izan dutela. Zorionak eman dizkiot, jakina, baita bere emaztegai Soniari ere, haiekin egon baitzen erronkak iraun zuen denbora guztian, erizain lanak betetzen. Hemen beren bloga daukazu eta hemen Franen helbidea zorionak bidaltzeko. Argazkiak hemen.

I have congratulated him and his girlfriend, Sonia, the wonderful blonde behind the flag (in the picture). If you want to do the same send Fran a message. More information at their blog. Pictures of the event here.
Pagolaren "Jesús": Hori liburu ederra! - "Jesús" by Pagola: what a wonderful book!

Kaixo, Joxe Antonio. Elkar ezagutzen diagu, baina hi ez haiz nirekin gogoratuko, segurutik. Arrasateko San Viatorren ibili ninduan 16 urtez, San Viatorreko erlijiosoa naizenez, eta orduan ezagutu hindudan, hainbat aldiz gure Ikastolara hitzaldiak ematera etorri hintzen-eta.
Irakurri diat hire liburua (azken eranskinak baino ez zaizkidak falta) eta esan behar diat ikaragarri lagundu didala hilabeteko Gogo-Jardunen esperientzia berritzen. Nik ez diat irakurri teologo batek irakurriko lukeen bezala (Tarazonako webgunekoak, esaterako -horiek ere irakurri dizkiat), baina fededun baten begiradarekin. Eta hik heuk adierazten duan esperientzia hori, alegia, kapitulu bakoitzean Jesusi galdetzen hiola ea zer esaten zuen berak, nik neuk ere izan diat irakurtzean. Izan ere, ez diat jakin askotan otoitzean ari nintzen ala liburu ezin erakargarriago bat irakurtzen. Erabat hunkituta gertatu nauk irakurketagatik eta gogoratze hutsak negarrak eragiten zizkidak.
Esan behar diat, erabat zintzoa izateko, ez naizela ni izan, prezisamente, Jose Mari Setienekin ibili hintzen garai haren zaleetako bat. Ez, behintzat, zuen jardun pastoralaren (eta eliztarraren) aldekoa. Beti harritu izan naik hi ezagututa hainbeste kontu okerren aurrean ahotsa altxatu ez izanak (neure ikuspuntu partikularretik begiratuta, jakina). Baina ez diat honekin epairik bota nahi, ez bainaiz ni inor hi edo beste edonor epaitzeko. Hanka sartzen lehena izaten nauk, gainera; beraz, ezin inori ezer leporatu. Baina hik heuk esaten duk Vida Nuevan (uste diat) orain baduala ausardia garai batean esaten ausartuko ez hintzatekeenak esateko. Berdin sentitzen nauk; horrexegatik esan izan diat aurrekoa.
Bukatzeko ESKERRIK ASKO handi bat. Eclesalian argitaratzen duana zintzo-zintzo irakurtzen diat astero eta harengatik eskertuta egonik, liburuaren kontra agertutakoek aukera ematen zidatek neure elkartasuna adierazteko. Eutsi goiari eta nahi duan arte.
I have just finished my reading of the book "Jesús-Aproximación historica" by J.A. Pagola (Jesus: an historical approach). It happens to be a wonderful book which has renewed in me my deepest experience ever, i.e. the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius that I had in August 1993 (the whole month).
This book has been recently attacked by some bishop and theologians, all of them very concerned about losing the grip over Christians' minds. They deem it potentially "dangerous". You can read them here (in Spanish). The Jesus portrayed in Pagola's book, though, is so liberating, so very close to our humanity, no wonder some people can't stand him. That very same thing happened two thousand years ago...
Just in order to show him my solidarity I wrote the letter you have above (In Basque, sorry).
Radio Euskadin hitz egin dut - I spoke in Radio Euskadi

Last Friday I got a call from Radio Euskadi broadcast station. They wanted me to talk about our opinion ("us" being the 'low church' Christians) on the events in Madrid. Dani Álvarez, the director of the show, wrote about what was said (link here-in Spanish)
Familia gora eta familia behera - The family all over the place

Madriden izan zen bilkura hari "ekintza liturgiko" izena ezarri nahi izan zioten, mitina dei ziezaioketen modu berean.
Penagarriena ez da pertsona batzuek horrela pentsatzea. Hori zilegi da. Baina Elizaren izenean egitea larria da, benetan. Han egon zirenetako askori ikaragarri gustatuko litzaieke eliztar denok iritzi berekoak izatea. Eta horri "komunioa" deituko liokete.
Bada, ez, hori ez da komunioa. Nire irudiko, desberdinen artean lortzen den batasuna da komunioa, desberdintasunei, aniztasunari eutsiz.
Eta Madriden iradoki zuten guztiz kontrakoa, alegia, "gure familia ereduarekin bat ez datorren guztia ez da familia". Eta kitto... Ez dut nik Jesus ikusten horrelakoak botatzen...
There has been recently a so-called "liturgical act" which turned out to be a political demonstration. The motto was the defense of the Family and the callers the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Rouco Varela and most of the right wing movements of that diocese (specially Kiko Argüello's "neo-catechumenals"). The attendants were less than 180.000 where more than 1.5 million were expected.
As said, it turned out to be a pre-election meeting, conceived just against the policies promoted by the labour government of Rodríguez Zapatero, as gay marriage, the so-called divorce-express law and the funds for single mothers (!).
I don't see much of Jesus in that kind of demonstrations. In this State of ours Church and State are not yet completely separated, and Bishops feel they could have an influence over the politics of Spain. Another way to retain power...
What a pity!
Harpidetu honetara:
Mezuak (Atom)