Lerroon gaineko jende talde honek zoriontsu egin nau azken lau hileotan. izan ere, irailetik abendura IRALEko ikastaro batean (R300) egon naiz, buru-belarri egon ere. Helburua, gure euskara-maila hobetu eta sendotzea. S-I-N-E-S-T-E-Z-I-N-A.
13 izan gara taldean, baina horrek zote ona eman digu, ez txarra. Argazkiko 14.a Jasone da, gure tutorea (belauniko, lehena eskuinetik hasita). Zoritxarrez, gure beste irakasleak falta dira: Montse, Mikel, Juan Felix, Karmele eta Amaia.
Opari ederra izan da, alajaina. Ez bakarrik ikasi dugunagatik; egin ditugun adiskideengatik, batez ere. Argazkian ikusten dituzuen aurpegi alaiak ez dira itxura hutsa, bene-benetakoak baizik.
Espero dut datorren Eusko Jaurlaritza berriak IRALE programa indartu eta sendotzeko aukera egitea. Gure taldeko Isabelek esan bezala, ez dago modu hoberik administrazioarekin bakeak egiteko gure R300 baino.
Aupa Artatzuko Andra Mari!
The people in the picture above have made me happy during the last quarter. I've been taking a course to improve our skills in Basque, so I hadn't to go to my High School, even. It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
We were 13 students, but this wouldn't bring us bad luck; on the contrary, we were the luckiest ever. The 14th in the picture is our tutor, Jasone (kneeling, 1st on the right). Our other teachers, unfortunately, are missing: Montse, Mikel, Juan Felix, Karmele and Amaia.
It's been a wonderful gift, indeed. Not just for what we learnt, but for the good acquaintances we've made. The happy smiling faces you see in the picture are not a fake: they reflect how we feel right away, how we have felt the whole term.
I hope the incoming new Basque Government support and increase this program. As one of our fellow students -Isabel- said, there's not better way to make amends with the Administration than R300 (our course).