
San Anton - St. Anthony

Kaixo, aspaldiko. Lagun batzuekin hitz egin ondoren, blog honi nolabaiteko arreta eskaini beharko niokeela konturatu nintzen. Eta gaur hona nakarren gaia merezi du, nik uste. Izan ere, atzo harrituta ikusi nuen telebistan nola apaiz pare batek animaliak bedeinkatzen zituzten eliza barruan. Eta Erromako obispoak berak ('Papa' delakoa -'Aita Santu' deitzeari herexia deritzot eta) animaliak maitatzera deitu zituen kristauak.

Eta harrituta diot badirudielako animalien kategoriatik behera gaudela LGTB garen guztiok, hots, gay, lesbiano, bisexual edo transexualak. Gure maitasuna ez du Elizako Jaun Txit Goren horietako batek ere bultzatzen; eta maitasun hori elizetan bedeinkatzeko biderik irekitzeko asmorik ez dute, ez alafede!

Animalien azpikotzat hartua zarela izateak ematen duen tristezia eta amorruarekin, hurren arte.

Hi, my almost forgotten friend! As I was yesterday talking to some friends of mine, I realized that I should pay a little attention to this blog. So, here I am. Yesterday was the feast of St. Anthony; on that day people usually bring their pets to the church for them to receive a benediction by the priest. And even  the Bishop of Rome (the Pope, it is -I refuse to use the 'Holy Father' name, I find it heretic) encouraged Catholics to love their animals.

I felt both, shocked and enraged. Why? you may ask. LGTB (Lesbian-Gay-Transgender-Bisexual) people are not allowed to have our love blessed in church, let alone be married there. Many Men of Importance (?) in our beloved Catholic Church don't seem to see how outrageous it is for us, to be considered lower than animals. I hope that my rage will fade away by the time of my next post...