
Eliza... zer Eliza? - The Church... What Church?

Blog honen jarraitzaile maitagarri batek bultzatuta, berriz nator neure Guadiana partikular honetara, adiskide. Izenburuak dioen bezala, Eliza hartuko dut hizpide, berriz ere. Baina ez gertatu den zerbait-edo aipatu eta epaitzeko, hainbestetan egin bezala. Ez. Oraingoan arduratzen(?) nauen kontu batez jardun nahi dut. Izan ere, urrun sentitzen dut Eliza, urrun haren gotzainak, egitura, adierazpenak, planak, asmoak, nahiak... Badira, nolabait eta oraindik, nire parte, nire 'haragi'; baina ez naute honez gero arduratzen; berdin dit zer gertatzen zaien, gero eta gehiago... Gaixorik egongo ote naiz?

Boterea eta Eliza aspalditik dabiltza elkarrekin harreman estuan, modu gatazkatsuan beti ere. Baina neure burua ika-mika horretatik kanpora ikusten dut. Ez dut nik borroka egingo neuretarrak gailendu daitezen Elizaren gobernuan. Boterea nahi badute, dena beretzat. Nik ez dut nahi, Elizatik kanpokotzat hartu nazatela nahi badute. Baina ez naiz berriz sartuko tira-bira horretan.

'Honek amore eman dik' entzuten diot bati edo gehiagori. Baliteke. Baina askatasunean irabazi dut, baita lasaitasunean ere. Eta Jesusengandik eta Haren jarraitzaileengandik inoiz baino hurbilago nago. Zure iritziak zabalik dauzka nire eta blog honetako ateak.


A secret admirer of this blog has reminded me of my duties. So I've decided to come here again and tell you something that has been worrying(?) me lately. And what's that? That I don't care any longer about Church's structure, hierarchy, bishops, plans, statements, even ideas... not, at least, as I used to. Does it worry me? Does it bother me? I don't know for sure, but I tend to think that it doesn't. Am I sick?

All those things I feel them further and further away, even though they still are part of me, somehow. The Church is not an alien for me, neither am I for it (I hope). But I feel like our fates would have fallen apart. Power and Church always have been hand on hand, for the best and for the worst. There's always been a conflict between the two of them. But I declare myself out of it, out of that struggle. If they want to rule the Church, so be it. I won't oppose them. In the end, they will be by themselves, alone.

You may think that I have given up. Perhaps. But I am now the closest I've ever been to Jesus and His followers; that's what matters. What do you think? I could use some piece of advice...