Diario Vasco-k argitaratu du nik bidalitako eskutitza aurreko larunbat honetan, apirilak 25. Hemen.
The Newspaper has published my response letter last Saturday. Here. It's in Basque, but, it says pretty much the same I said in my previous post.
Koldo deitzen didate, jatorriz Luis Angel naizen arren. Gasteizen jaioa 1959. urtean eta komunitate erlijioso baten kide ohia. Bilbon bizi naiz, Miribillan, eta euskarako irakasle funtzionaria naiz institutu batean. Erlijioko irakaslea urtetan, klaseok ingelesez ere eman izan ditut. Izan ere hizkuntzak dira nire zaletasun nabarmen bat. Elizaren bilakaera (boterea, sexualitatea, emakumea, gayak...), justizia eta pobreak ditut ardura nagusietako batzuk.
Diario Vasco-n elkarrizketa - Interview in a Basque paper

Loiolan nagoela-eta, elkarrizketa egin zigun batzuoi kazetari batek eta gaurko -ostiral santuko- alean agertu da erreportajea, bi orrialde oso hartzen dituena. Bi akats ditu niri dagokidanez. Batetik, "apaiz" ohia naizela dio ("erlijiosoa" beharrean) eta "neskalaguna" ("novia") ari naizela bilatzen. Nik "bikotekidea" esan nuen denbora guztian... Hala ere, nire ustez, erreportajea bikaina da. Klikatu hemen (gaztelaniaz).
Last wednesday I, among others, was interviewed by a Basque newspaper, as I am having my retreat in Loiola, St. Ignatius' home. The article is superb, but it has got two flaws as far as I am concerned: the one, it calls me "priest" which I never was. The second, it tells that I am seeking for a "girlfriend", which is not the case. I always said "couple" or "life partner". The article is here (in Spanish)
Last wednesday I, among others, was interviewed by a Basque newspaper, as I am having my retreat in Loiola, St. Ignatius' home. The article is superb, but it has got two flaws as far as I am concerned: the one, it calls me "priest" which I never was. The second, it tells that I am seeking for a "girlfriend", which is not the case. I always said "couple" or "life partner". The article is here (in Spanish)
Txano Gorritxo Modernoa - Modern Little Red Riding Hood
Hona zer bertsio ikusgarria aukitu dudan Txano Gorritxoz! Zoragarria!
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
I've found out this unbelievable version of the famous tale. Enjoy!
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
I've found out this unbelievable version of the famous tale. Enjoy!
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