Espezimen hau jarri nahi izan ziguten lehendakari Patxi Lópezi Ajuriaeneako bidea erraztu dioten berberok... Iruzkinik ez du merezi, nik uste.
This man here, Mr. Jaime Mayor Oreja, was once a candidate for the presidency of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. He belongs to the PP party, the right wing party of Spain which had Mr. José María Aznar as one of its best known icons. In this video (in Spanish) he tells how proud he is because his grand-grandfather decided to ban the use of Basque at home, so his children would learn Spanish. He succeed, since no one of his grand-grandchildren is now able to speak in Basque at all, as far as I know. It seems like that other fascist who shouted at the beginning of the Spanish War "Death to intelligence!"... No comment.
Koldo deitzen didate, jatorriz Luis Angel naizen arren. Gasteizen jaioa 1959. urtean eta komunitate erlijioso baten kide ohia. Bilbon bizi naiz, Miribillan, eta euskarako irakasle funtzionaria naiz institutu batean. Erlijioko irakaslea urtetan, klaseok ingelesez ere eman izan ditut. Izan ere hizkuntzak dira nire zaletasun nabarmen bat. Elizaren bilakaera (boterea, sexualitatea, emakumea, gayak...), justizia eta pobreak ditut ardura nagusietako batzuk.
Izugarria eta argigarria! - Amazing and enlightening!
Ikusi bideo hau. Gure mundua zelan dabilen ikusteko benetan argigarria gerta dakizuke... Ingelesez eta azpitituluak gaztelaniaz.
Watch this video (It's in English with Spanish subtitles). It's worth it.
Watch this video (It's in English with Spanish subtitles). It's worth it.
Eta nire erantzuna - This is my answer
Diario Vasco-n elkarrizketa - Interview in a Basque paper

Loiolan nagoela-eta, elkarrizketa egin zigun batzuoi kazetari batek eta gaurko -ostiral santuko- alean agertu da erreportajea, bi orrialde oso hartzen dituena. Bi akats ditu niri dagokidanez. Batetik, "apaiz" ohia naizela dio ("erlijiosoa" beharrean) eta "neskalaguna" ("novia") ari naizela bilatzen. Nik "bikotekidea" esan nuen denbora guztian... Hala ere, nire ustez, erreportajea bikaina da. Klikatu hemen (gaztelaniaz).
Last wednesday I, among others, was interviewed by a Basque newspaper, as I am having my retreat in Loiola, St. Ignatius' home. The article is superb, but it has got two flaws as far as I am concerned: the one, it calls me "priest" which I never was. The second, it tells that I am seeking for a "girlfriend", which is not the case. I always said "couple" or "life partner". The article is here (in Spanish)
Last wednesday I, among others, was interviewed by a Basque newspaper, as I am having my retreat in Loiola, St. Ignatius' home. The article is superb, but it has got two flaws as far as I am concerned: the one, it calls me "priest" which I never was. The second, it tells that I am seeking for a "girlfriend", which is not the case. I always said "couple" or "life partner". The article is here (in Spanish)
Txano Gorritxo Modernoa - Modern Little Red Riding Hood
Hona zer bertsio ikusgarria aukitu dudan Txano Gorritxoz! Zoragarria!
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
I've found out this unbelievable version of the famous tale. Enjoy!
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
I've found out this unbelievable version of the famous tale. Enjoy!
Eliza... zer Eliza? - The Church... What Church?

Blog honen jarraitzaile maitagarri batek bultzatuta, berriz nator neure Guadiana partikular honetara, adiskide. Izenburuak dioen bezala, Eliza hartuko dut hizpide, berriz ere. Baina ez gertatu den zerbait-edo aipatu eta epaitzeko, hainbestetan egin bezala. Ez. Oraingoan arduratzen(?) nauen kontu batez jardun nahi dut. Izan ere, urrun sentitzen dut Eliza, urrun haren gotzainak, egitura, adierazpenak, planak, asmoak, nahiak... Badira, nolabait eta oraindik, nire parte, nire 'haragi'; baina ez naute honez gero arduratzen; berdin dit zer gertatzen zaien, gero eta gehiago... Gaixorik egongo ote naiz?
Boterea eta Eliza aspalditik dabiltza elkarrekin harreman estuan, modu gatazkatsuan beti ere. Baina neure burua ika-mika horretatik kanpora ikusten dut. Ez dut nik borroka egingo neuretarrak gailendu daitezen Elizaren gobernuan. Boterea nahi badute, dena beretzat. Nik ez dut nahi, Elizatik kanpokotzat hartu nazatela nahi badute. Baina ez naiz berriz sartuko tira-bira horretan.
'Honek amore eman dik' entzuten diot bati edo gehiagori. Baliteke. Baina askatasunean irabazi dut, baita lasaitasunean ere. Eta Jesusengandik eta Haren jarraitzaileengandik inoiz baino hurbilago nago. Zure iritziak zabalik dauzka nire eta blog honetako ateak.
A secret admirer of this blog has reminded me of my duties. So I've decided to come here again and tell you something that has been worrying(?) me lately. And what's that? That I don't care any longer about Church's structure, hierarchy, bishops, plans, statements, even ideas... not, at least, as I used to. Does it worry me? Does it bother me? I don't know for sure, but I tend to think that it doesn't. Am I sick?
All those things I feel them further and further away, even though they still are part of me, somehow. The Church is not an alien for me, neither am I for it (I hope). But I feel like our fates would have fallen apart. Power and Church always have been hand on hand, for the best and for the worst. There's always been a conflict between the two of them. But I declare myself out of it, out of that struggle. If they want to rule the Church, so be it. I won't oppose them. In the end, they will be by themselves, alone.
You may think that I have given up. Perhaps. But I am now the closest I've ever been to Jesus and His followers; that's what matters. What do you think? I could use some piece of advice...
A secret admirer of this blog has reminded me of my duties. So I've decided to come here again and tell you something that has been worrying(?) me lately. And what's that? That I don't care any longer about Church's structure, hierarchy, bishops, plans, statements, even ideas... not, at least, as I used to. Does it worry me? Does it bother me? I don't know for sure, but I tend to think that it doesn't. Am I sick?
All those things I feel them further and further away, even though they still are part of me, somehow. The Church is not an alien for me, neither am I for it (I hope). But I feel like our fates would have fallen apart. Power and Church always have been hand on hand, for the best and for the worst. There's always been a conflict between the two of them. But I declare myself out of it, out of that struggle. If they want to rule the Church, so be it. I won't oppose them. In the end, they will be by themselves, alone.
You may think that I have given up. Perhaps. But I am now the closest I've ever been to Jesus and His followers; that's what matters. What do you think? I could use some piece of advice...
Yes, we can!
Barak Hussein Obamak protagonismo guztia kenduko didan honetan (zorionez), banator berriro nire blog ahaztuxe honetara, neure egunerokoaz jakitunago egon zaitezen. Bristoletik abenduaren 20an itzuli nintzen, baita pozik etorri ere han bizitako guztiagatik. Familiarekin -the Irelands-, bertatik joandako beste 10 irakasleekin, gure irekasleekin eta, orokorrean, Ingalaterrak eman zigun tratu onarekin kostatuko zait ahazten. Eta lanean ibili ginen, e! Baina beste era batean, jakina. Azkenean, esperientzia bizia, aberasgarria benetan.
Bueltan, Olentzero aurreratuta etorri zitzaidan, kotxea zakuan ekarrita. Soniak eta Franek beren automobil zaharra kendu nahi zuten, berria erosi baitute, eta hoberik ez zitzaien bururatu, osaba Koldori opari ematea baino... Hona nirearen senide bikia, kolore eta guzti:

Blogean ez dut esan oraindik. Sestaon bizi naiz, alokairuzko pisu batean, lanetik 3 minutu eskasera... Berandu iristeko tentazio ederra!!!
Bakarrik bizi naiz oraindik. Eta esango nuke, esan, behar dudala egoera hau tartetxo batean. Segitzen dut Caritasen Urbinaga Zentroan (orain 'Labariega') informatikako eskolak ematen, eta hala-holako jarraipena egiten fede-taldeari (32-33 urteko 7 gazte). Kristau Sareko partaide banaizen arren, lehen lerroan egoteari utzi nahi izan diot eta Eliza Garan sartu. Eta prozesu horretan nabil. Ahal dudan domeka guztietan mezatara joaten naiz Patronatoko parrokiara, azken 12 urteotan egin dudan bezala.
Lanean euskarako eskolak ematen ditut. Gauza askotan eguneratu beharra daukat, baina gustura nago aspalditik jareinda nuen zeregirari berriz ekinda. Pozik nago ikasleekin (DBHko 3. mailakoak eta Batxilergoko 1. eta 2. mailakoak), ikasgaiarekin eta lankideekin. Baita institutuarekin ere. Baina datorren ikasturtean aldatu beharko dudala badakit eta oraindik ez dakit nora bidaliko nauten.... Baina ez naiz kexu, ezta hurrik eman ere. Zorteduna izatea egokitu zait eta eskerrak emateko arrazoiak baino ez ditut ikusten. Eskerrak zuri ere honaino heldu bazara. Beti bezala, zure iruzkinak ongi etorriak izango dira (nor zaren jarrita, mesedez).
I publish this post the happy day that Barak H. Obama became the first black President of the USA. He is going to take all the attention! But, who cares...
I went to Bristol and came back. Very good experience there: with my homestay family (the Irelands), the other colleagues I went with, our teachers, the English people we met... I had never before been so involved in an English environment. You must take into account that every time I'd been to England I were with some Spanish speaking one. Not this time. All the Basque teachers who were part of the party used to speak in English between ourselves, so we could take advantage of the whole of our stay there.

The dinning room above is the original one they used to build the stage of Harry Potter. It's Oxford, Christ Church College. Interesting, isn't it?
As I came back, on Dec. 20, Olentzero, the Basque Santa, had already come and brought me a car. The same model as the one pictured above. Sonia and Fran are some of the goods friends I have and don't deserve. I reckon this car has come in very handy...
I still live in Sestao, in a rented house, at 3' walk to work (that's why I arrive late so often!), on my own for the moment. It suits me well now, but some day this will change, hopefully. I keep most of my former commitments, except for a few of those which had more to do with the Viatorian Community or my being a brother. This includes a faith group, some lessons for poor people in a Church Charity or being a member of "We are the Church". I still attend Sunday mass at my parish for the last 12 years and keep in touch with the Religious in Poor Neighborhoods organisation.
I've come back to my Basque lessons, which had given up for 14 years. I have to improve my skills, but I still keep the knack of it, I think. I'm happy with my students (15-18 y.o.), my colleagues and the school, but, unfortunatelly, I'll have to switch places next school year, even though I don't know yet which one my destination will be. But I have no complaint at all. I'm a lucky man, indeed. Or so I live it...
Thank you if you've arrived here. Your comments are most welcome, provided you identify yourself. Thanks!
Bueltan, Olentzero aurreratuta etorri zitzaidan, kotxea zakuan ekarrita. Soniak eta Franek beren automobil zaharra kendu nahi zuten, berria erosi baitute, eta hoberik ez zitzaien bururatu, osaba Koldori opari ematea baino... Hona nirearen senide bikia, kolore eta guzti:

Blogean ez dut esan oraindik. Sestaon bizi naiz, alokairuzko pisu batean, lanetik 3 minutu eskasera... Berandu iristeko tentazio ederra!!!
Bakarrik bizi naiz oraindik. Eta esango nuke, esan, behar dudala egoera hau tartetxo batean. Segitzen dut Caritasen Urbinaga Zentroan (orain 'Labariega') informatikako eskolak ematen, eta hala-holako jarraipena egiten fede-taldeari (32-33 urteko 7 gazte). Kristau Sareko partaide banaizen arren, lehen lerroan egoteari utzi nahi izan diot eta Eliza Garan sartu. Eta prozesu horretan nabil. Ahal dudan domeka guztietan mezatara joaten naiz Patronatoko parrokiara, azken 12 urteotan egin dudan bezala.
Lanean euskarako eskolak ematen ditut. Gauza askotan eguneratu beharra daukat, baina gustura nago aspalditik jareinda nuen zeregirari berriz ekinda. Pozik nago ikasleekin (DBHko 3. mailakoak eta Batxilergoko 1. eta 2. mailakoak), ikasgaiarekin eta lankideekin. Baita institutuarekin ere. Baina datorren ikasturtean aldatu beharko dudala badakit eta oraindik ez dakit nora bidaliko nauten.... Baina ez naiz kexu, ezta hurrik eman ere. Zorteduna izatea egokitu zait eta eskerrak emateko arrazoiak baino ez ditut ikusten. Eskerrak zuri ere honaino heldu bazara. Beti bezala, zure iruzkinak ongi etorriak izango dira (nor zaren jarrita, mesedez).
I publish this post the happy day that Barak H. Obama became the first black President of the USA. He is going to take all the attention! But, who cares...
I went to Bristol and came back. Very good experience there: with my homestay family (the Irelands), the other colleagues I went with, our teachers, the English people we met... I had never before been so involved in an English environment. You must take into account that every time I'd been to England I were with some Spanish speaking one. Not this time. All the Basque teachers who were part of the party used to speak in English between ourselves, so we could take advantage of the whole of our stay there.
The dinning room above is the original one they used to build the stage of Harry Potter. It's Oxford, Christ Church College. Interesting, isn't it?
As I came back, on Dec. 20, Olentzero, the Basque Santa, had already come and brought me a car. The same model as the one pictured above. Sonia and Fran are some of the goods friends I have and don't deserve. I reckon this car has come in very handy...
I still live in Sestao, in a rented house, at 3' walk to work (that's why I arrive late so often!), on my own for the moment. It suits me well now, but some day this will change, hopefully. I keep most of my former commitments, except for a few of those which had more to do with the Viatorian Community or my being a brother. This includes a faith group, some lessons for poor people in a Church Charity or being a member of "We are the Church". I still attend Sunday mass at my parish for the last 12 years and keep in touch with the Religious in Poor Neighborhoods organisation.
I've come back to my Basque lessons, which had given up for 14 years. I have to improve my skills, but I still keep the knack of it, I think. I'm happy with my students (15-18 y.o.), my colleagues and the school, but, unfortunatelly, I'll have to switch places next school year, even though I don't know yet which one my destination will be. But I have no complaint at all. I'm a lucky man, indeed. Or so I live it...
Thank you if you've arrived here. Your comments are most welcome, provided you identify yourself. Thanks!
Harpidetu honetara:
Mezuak (Atom)