Santa Polan nago, amari laguntzen etxea atontzen eta, bide batez, egun batzuk pasatzeko itsas bazterrean, lasai lasai... Eta gaur goizean, 10:30 inguruan, Ama etorri zait telefonoarekin arrebaren deia nuela esanda... Telefonoa hartu, logalea kendu barik oraindik, eta arrebak esan dit 4. GELDITU NAIZELA OPOSIZIOAN!!! Beraz, ikasturte honetan guztian amesgaizto izan dena amets gozo bihurtu da bapatean. Eskerrik asko adorea erakutsi didazuen guztioi, hau irakurriko duzuenetako asko, egia esateko. Zerbait gehiago dakidanean, hementxe ikusiko duzue, baina ezin izango ditut zuen epostak erantzun, ez baitaukat internetik etxean. Ondo izan eta uda ondo pasa.
I am spending some nice vacation days with "Amatxo" (mum) in Spanish coastal side of the Mediterranean. This morning amatxo has awaken me and handed her cellular phone. It was Ana, my sister, who wanted to tell me that, at last, I HAVE OBTAINED A JOB as a civil servant teacher. It's been almost a nightmare during this whole school year, but now one of my dreams has come true! I want to thank you all who encouraged me during this ordeal, many of you readers of this blog. Any other further information I may obtain, I'll post it here, but I won't be able to answer your emails in a while, since I don't have internet at home. In the meanwhile, have a nice summer.
I am spending some nice vacation days with "Amatxo" (mum) in Spanish coastal side of the Mediterranean. This morning amatxo has awaken me and handed her cellular phone. It was Ana, my sister, who wanted to tell me that, at last, I HAVE OBTAINED A JOB as a civil servant teacher. It's been almost a nightmare during this whole school year, but now one of my dreams has come true! I want to thank you all who encouraged me during this ordeal, many of you readers of this blog. Any other further information I may obtain, I'll post it here, but I won't be able to answer your emails in a while, since I don't have internet at home. In the meanwhile, have a nice summer.