
Artatzugoikoa zeruan dago - Artatzugoikoa is in heaven

Lerroon gaineko jende talde honek zoriontsu egin nau azken lau hileotan. izan ere, irailetik abendura IRALEko ikastaro batean (R300) egon naiz, buru-belarri egon ere. Helburua, gure euskara-maila hobetu eta sendotzea.  S-I-N-E-S-T-E-Z-I-N-A.

13 izan gara taldean, baina horrek zote ona eman digu, ez txarra. Argazkiko 14.a Jasone da, gure tutorea (belauniko, lehena eskuinetik hasita). Zoritxarrez, gure beste irakasleak falta dira: Montse, Mikel, Juan Felix, Karmele eta Amaia.

Opari ederra izan da, alajaina. Ez bakarrik ikasi dugunagatik; egin ditugun adiskideengatik, batez ere. Argazkian ikusten dituzuen aurpegi alaiak ez dira itxura hutsa, bene-benetakoak baizik. 

Espero dut datorren Eusko Jaurlaritza berriak IRALE programa indartu eta sendotzeko aukera egitea. Gure taldeko Isabelek esan bezala, ez dago modu hoberik administrazioarekin bakeak egiteko gure R300 baino.

Aupa Artatzuko Andra Mari!

The people in the picture above have made me happy during the last quarter. I've been taking a course to improve our skills in Basque, so I hadn't to go to my High School, even. It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

We were 13 students, but this wouldn't bring us bad luck; on the contrary, we were the luckiest ever. The 14th in the picture is our tutor, Jasone (kneeling, 1st on the right). Our other teachers, unfortunately, are missing: Montse, Mikel, Juan Felix, Karmele and Amaia.

It's been a wonderful gift, indeed. Not just for what we learnt, but for the good acquaintances we've made. The happy smiling faces you see in the picture are not a fake: they reflect how we feel right away, how we have felt the whole term.

I hope the incoming new Basque Government support and increase this program. As one of our fellow students -Isabel- said, there's not better way to make amends with the Administration than R300 (our course).


San Anton - St. Anthony

Kaixo, aspaldiko. Lagun batzuekin hitz egin ondoren, blog honi nolabaiteko arreta eskaini beharko niokeela konturatu nintzen. Eta gaur hona nakarren gaia merezi du, nik uste. Izan ere, atzo harrituta ikusi nuen telebistan nola apaiz pare batek animaliak bedeinkatzen zituzten eliza barruan. Eta Erromako obispoak berak ('Papa' delakoa -'Aita Santu' deitzeari herexia deritzot eta) animaliak maitatzera deitu zituen kristauak.

Eta harrituta diot badirudielako animalien kategoriatik behera gaudela LGTB garen guztiok, hots, gay, lesbiano, bisexual edo transexualak. Gure maitasuna ez du Elizako Jaun Txit Goren horietako batek ere bultzatzen; eta maitasun hori elizetan bedeinkatzeko biderik irekitzeko asmorik ez dute, ez alafede!

Animalien azpikotzat hartua zarela izateak ematen duen tristezia eta amorruarekin, hurren arte.

Hi, my almost forgotten friend! As I was yesterday talking to some friends of mine, I realized that I should pay a little attention to this blog. So, here I am. Yesterday was the feast of St. Anthony; on that day people usually bring their pets to the church for them to receive a benediction by the priest. And even  the Bishop of Rome (the Pope, it is -I refuse to use the 'Holy Father' name, I find it heretic) encouraged Catholics to love their animals.

I felt both, shocked and enraged. Why? you may ask. LGTB (Lesbian-Gay-Transgender-Bisexual) people are not allowed to have our love blessed in church, let alone be married there. Many Men of Importance (?) in our beloved Catholic Church don't seem to see how outrageous it is for us, to be considered lower than animals. I hope that my rage will fade away by the time of my next post...


OK Go taldearen bideo ederra - OK Go's wonderful video

Hona OK Go musika taldeak egin duen bideoklip ikusgarria, etengabeko mugimentuko makina erraldoi benetakoa filmatuz... Gozatu!

This is the latest video clip by OK Go, with an unbelievable machine all along... Enjoy!


Pagolaren liburua, berriz / Once again, Pagola's book

Irakurle sufritu hori, badakit aspalditik ez naizela agertu hona. Oraingoan aurreko beste post baten arrazoi beragatik idazten dut. Izan ere, Jose Antonio Pagola apaiz Añorgarraren "Jesús, Aproximación histórica" liburuaren 9. argitalpena liburu dendetatik erretiratzeko agindua etorri da PPC argitaletxetik, Madrilgo obispoen konferentziako presioen eraginez.

Eliza hierarkikoak lehengo lepotik burua... Gaurko KALAKA saioan, ETB1n, gaueko 22:25etan, ni izango naiz bertako kalakarietako bat, kontu hau dela eta. Hona bidali dizkidaten galderak eta nik bidalitako erantzunak:

1. Zilegia iruditzen zaizu Jesús, hurbilpen historikoa liburudendetatik kentzea?
Liburuak liburu dendetan egoteko idazten dira. XXI.mendean bertatik kendu nahi dituenak hobe luke Erdi Arora itzuli. Astakeria handiagorik! Hori egiteko agindu dutenek, segurutik, ebanjelioak berak zentsuratuko zituzketen duela 2000 urte boterean egon balira.
1. Ulergarria al da liburuaren mezua doktrina ofizialetik aldentzen baldin bada liburudendetatik kentzea?
Kristologia liburua izan (ez da) eta doktrina ofizialetik aldenduko balitz (ez da), liburu denda katolikoetatik ere ez litzateke kendu behar, pluraltasunaren izenean. Izan ere, liburu denda erlijiosoetan ‘’The Da Vinci Code” delakoa bera ere ikusi izan dugu salgai. Fedearentzat hain lagungarri gertatu den liburua kentzea –historia liburua!- ulergarria da, bai, asmo ilun ezkutuak tarteko direlako, obispoen arteko talka zikina…


It's been a long time since I wrote the last post. I'm sorry. I am even sorrier that the reason that brings me here is once again the attack Jose Antonio Pagola Basque priest's book "Jesus, a historical approach" has suffered. I told then that the book is a great one which makes stronger the long fading Faith of many. But our Hierarchy don't like it. Perhaps because it tries to enlighten us about who Jesus really was, the historical one... The book received the Nihil Obstat from the then Bishop of Saint Sebastian, but the ones who rule in Spain, never liked him much and now he is no longer head of the Diocese they overrule him... So sad!

Tonight I'm supposed to go to the ETB, the Public Basque TV Channel to discuss the matter with other people, some of them members of Opus Dei... I'll keep you posted this time!



Espezimen hau jarri nahi izan ziguten lehendakari Patxi Lópezi Ajuriaeneako bidea erraztu dioten berberok... Iruzkinik ez du merezi, nik uste.

This man here, Mr. Jaime Mayor Oreja, was once a candidate for the presidency of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. He belongs to the PP party, the right wing party of Spain which had Mr. José María Aznar as one of its best known icons. In this video (in Spanish) he tells how proud he is because his grand-grandfather decided to ban the use of Basque at home, so his children would learn Spanish. He succeed, since no one of his grand-grandchildren is now able to speak in Basque at all, as far as I know. It seems like that other fascist who shouted at the beginning of the Spanish War "Death to intelligence!"... No comment.


Izugarria eta argigarria! - Amazing and enlightening!

Ikusi bideo hau. Gure mundua zelan dabilen ikusteko benetan argigarria gerta dakizuke... Ingelesez eta azpitituluak gaztelaniaz.

Watch this video (It's in English with Spanish subtitles). It's worth it.


Eta nire erantzuna - This is my answer

Diario Vasco-k argitaratu du nik bidalitako eskutitza aurreko larunbat honetan, apirilak 25. Hemen.


The Newspaper has published my response letter last Saturday. Here. It's in Basque, but, it says pretty much the same I said in my previous post.


Diario Vasco-n elkarrizketa - Interview in a Basque paper

Loiolan nagoela-eta, elkarrizketa egin zigun batzuoi kazetari batek eta gaurko -ostiral santuko- alean agertu da erreportajea, bi orrialde oso hartzen dituena. Bi akats ditu niri dagokidanez. Batetik, "apaiz" ohia naizela dio ("erlijiosoa" beharrean) eta "neskalaguna" ("novia") ari naizela bilatzen. Nik "bikotekidea" esan nuen denbora guztian... Hala ere, nire ustez, erreportajea bikaina da. Klikatu hemen (gaztelaniaz).


Last wednesday I, among others, was interviewed by a Basque newspaper, as I am having my retreat in Loiola, St. Ignatius' home. The article is superb, but it has got two flaws as far as I am concerned: the one, it calls me "priest" which I never was. The second, it tells that I am seeking for a "girlfriend", which is not the case. I always said "couple" or "life partner". The article is here (in Spanish)


Txano Gorritxo Modernoa - Modern Little Red Riding Hood

Hona zer bertsio ikusgarria aukitu dudan Txano Gorritxoz! Zoragarria!

Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
I've found out this unbelievable version of the famous tale. Enjoy!


Eliza... zer Eliza? - The Church... What Church?

Blog honen jarraitzaile maitagarri batek bultzatuta, berriz nator neure Guadiana partikular honetara, adiskide. Izenburuak dioen bezala, Eliza hartuko dut hizpide, berriz ere. Baina ez gertatu den zerbait-edo aipatu eta epaitzeko, hainbestetan egin bezala. Ez. Oraingoan arduratzen(?) nauen kontu batez jardun nahi dut. Izan ere, urrun sentitzen dut Eliza, urrun haren gotzainak, egitura, adierazpenak, planak, asmoak, nahiak... Badira, nolabait eta oraindik, nire parte, nire 'haragi'; baina ez naute honez gero arduratzen; berdin dit zer gertatzen zaien, gero eta gehiago... Gaixorik egongo ote naiz?

Boterea eta Eliza aspalditik dabiltza elkarrekin harreman estuan, modu gatazkatsuan beti ere. Baina neure burua ika-mika horretatik kanpora ikusten dut. Ez dut nik borroka egingo neuretarrak gailendu daitezen Elizaren gobernuan. Boterea nahi badute, dena beretzat. Nik ez dut nahi, Elizatik kanpokotzat hartu nazatela nahi badute. Baina ez naiz berriz sartuko tira-bira horretan.

'Honek amore eman dik' entzuten diot bati edo gehiagori. Baliteke. Baina askatasunean irabazi dut, baita lasaitasunean ere. Eta Jesusengandik eta Haren jarraitzaileengandik inoiz baino hurbilago nago. Zure iritziak zabalik dauzka nire eta blog honetako ateak.


A secret admirer of this blog has reminded me of my duties. So I've decided to come here again and tell you something that has been worrying(?) me lately. And what's that? That I don't care any longer about Church's structure, hierarchy, bishops, plans, statements, even ideas... not, at least, as I used to. Does it worry me? Does it bother me? I don't know for sure, but I tend to think that it doesn't. Am I sick?

All those things I feel them further and further away, even though they still are part of me, somehow. The Church is not an alien for me, neither am I for it (I hope). But I feel like our fates would have fallen apart. Power and Church always have been hand on hand, for the best and for the worst. There's always been a conflict between the two of them. But I declare myself out of it, out of that struggle. If they want to rule the Church, so be it. I won't oppose them. In the end, they will be by themselves, alone.

You may think that I have given up. Perhaps. But I am now the closest I've ever been to Jesus and His followers; that's what matters. What do you think? I could use some piece of advice...


Yes, we can!

Barak Hussein Obamak protagonismo guztia kenduko didan honetan (zorionez), banator berriro nire blog ahaztuxe honetara, neure egunerokoaz jakitunago egon zaitezen. Bristoletik abenduaren 20an itzuli nintzen, baita pozik etorri ere han bizitako guztiagatik. Familiarekin -the Irelands-, bertatik joandako beste 10 irakasleekin, gure irekasleekin eta, orokorrean, Ingalaterrak eman zigun tratu onarekin kostatuko zait ahazten. Eta lanean ibili ginen, e! Baina beste era batean, jakina. Azkenean, esperientzia bizia, aberasgarria benetan.

Bueltan, Olentzero aurreratuta etorri zitzaidan, kotxea zakuan ekarrita. Soniak eta Franek beren automobil zaharra kendu nahi zuten, berria erosi baitute, eta hoberik ez zitzaien bururatu, osaba Koldori opari ematea baino... Hona nirearen senide bikia, kolore eta guzti:

Blogean ez dut esan oraindik. Sestaon bizi naiz, alokairuzko pisu batean, lanetik 3 minutu eskasera... Berandu iristeko tentazio ederra!!!

Bakarrik bizi naiz oraindik. Eta esango nuke, esan, behar dudala egoera hau tartetxo batean. Segitzen dut Caritasen Urbinaga Zentroan (orain 'Labariega') informatikako eskolak ematen, eta hala-holako jarraipena egiten fede-taldeari (32-33 urteko 7 gazte). Kristau Sareko partaide banaizen arren, lehen lerroan egoteari utzi nahi izan diot eta Eliza Garan sartu. Eta prozesu horretan nabil. Ahal dudan domeka guztietan mezatara joaten naiz Patronatoko parrokiara, azken 12 urteotan egin dudan bezala.

Lanean euskarako eskolak ematen ditut. Gauza askotan eguneratu beharra daukat, baina gustura nago aspalditik jareinda nuen zeregirari berriz ekinda. Pozik nago ikasleekin (DBHko 3. mailakoak eta Batxilergoko 1. eta 2. mailakoak), ikasgaiarekin eta lankideekin. Baita institutuarekin ere. Baina datorren ikasturtean aldatu beharko dudala badakit eta oraindik ez dakit nora bidaliko nauten.... Baina ez naiz kexu, ezta hurrik eman ere. Zorteduna izatea egokitu zait eta eskerrak emateko arrazoiak baino ez ditut ikusten. Eskerrak zuri ere honaino heldu bazara. Beti bezala, zure iruzkinak ongi etorriak izango dira (nor zaren jarrita, mesedez).


I publish this post the happy day that Barak H. Obama became the first black President of the USA. He is going to take all the attention! But, who cares...

I went to Bristol and came back. Very good experience there: with my homestay family (the Irelands), the other colleagues I went with, our teachers, the English people we met... I had never before been so involved in an English environment. You must take into account that every time I'd been to England I were with some Spanish speaking one. Not this time. All the Basque teachers who were part of the party used to speak in English between ourselves, so we could take advantage of the whole of our stay there.

The dinning room above is the original one they used to build the stage of Harry Potter. It's Oxford, Christ Church College. Interesting, isn't it?

As I came back, on Dec. 20, Olentzero, the Basque Santa, had already come and brought me a car. The same model as the one pictured above. Sonia and Fran are some of the goods friends I have and don't deserve. I reckon this car has come in very handy...

I still live in Sestao, in a rented house, at 3' walk to work (that's why I arrive late so often!), on my own for the moment. It suits me well now, but some day this will change, hopefully. I keep most of my former commitments, except for a few of those which had more to do with the Viatorian Community or my being a brother. This includes a faith group, some lessons for poor people in a Church Charity or being a member of "We are the Church". I still attend Sunday mass at my parish for the last 12 years and keep in touch with the Religious in Poor Neighborhoods organisation.

I've come back to my Basque lessons, which had given up for 14 years. I have to improve my skills, but I still keep the knack of it, I think. I'm happy with my students (15-18 y.o.), my colleagues and the school, but, unfortunatelly, I'll have to switch places next school year, even though I don't know yet which one my destination will be. But I have no complaint at all. I'm a lucky man, indeed. Or so I live it...

Thank you if you've arrived here. Your comments are most welcome, provided you identify yourself. Thanks!


Bristolera noa - I'm going to Bristol

Bada, bai: Bristolen egongo naiz datozen hiru asteotan. Abenduaren 20an berriz itzuliko naiz Euskal Herrira, baina bien bitartean ingelesezko ikastaro bat egingo dut, Eusko Jaurlaritzak ordainduta Garatu plangintzaren barruan. Beraz, ez deitu telefonoz ez badidazu ordaindu arazi nahi... Kontatuko dizuet ea zer moduz nabilen. Orain artean familia batekin ('Ireland' deituradunak) biziko naizela eta igande goizean aterako garela Loiutik. Beste dena, ikusteko dago.

Hurrengora arte!


That's it. My poor English needs some polishing, so the Basque Government has granted me a three weeks stay in Bristol (UK) in order to take a course for English language improvement. I'll be living with the Ireland family in a victorian house and I intend to enjoy myself as much as I can. We are some 11 people -teachers- who will be leaving from Bilbao next Sunday morning and coming back on December 20. In the meanwhile, lots of fun, I hope. I'll get you posted, don't worry.



Sekulartze urtea - Exclaustration year

Adiskidea, honez gero ofiziala da. San Viatorren Kontseilu Nagusiak, Erroman, urtebete komunitatetik kanpora bizitzeko egin diodan eskaera onartu egin du. Izatez, komunitatea guztiz utzi aurreko pausutzat har daiteke hau, hasieran hartu nuen erabakia horixe baitzen eta zeru mugan horixe agertzen baita oraindik. Baina urtebetez atzeratzea zuhurtasunak berak eskatzen du, inor ezin baitaiteke erabat ziur egon horrelako erabaki larriak hartzen direnean.

Dizernimendu prozesuan ia hiru urte egin ditut, hartu dudan hau laugarrena izango litzatekeelarik. Beraz, ondo hausnarturiko kontua izan da, ez arin-arin erabakitzen diren horietakoa. Majo kostata hartutako erabakia, izan ere. Eta arrazoien bila bazabiltza, blog honetan barren abiatzea baino ez duzu. Bertan agertzen diren arduretako askok osatu baitute arrazoi 'corpus'a honetara ekarri nautenak. Baina, oroz gain, Jainkoaren aurrean hartu dudan erabakia izan da, eta barnean sentitzen dudan bakea gero eta handiagoa da. Eliza 'ofizialarekin' dudan borroka giltzarri izan da honetan guztian eta gauzak zuzen egitekotan, neure biziari bira emateko ala ez erabakitzeko momentuan, txepelkerietan ibiltzeko debekua jarri diot neure buruari, eta aurrera segitzeko agindua. Eta pozik nago.

Badirudi Sestaon bertan biziko naizela, alokairuko etxea aurkitu baitut gaur bertan, lan egiten dudan lekutik oso gertu. Izan ere, Sestaoko Saturnino de la Peñan hartu nuen plaza (urtebeterako), neure institutua izan dena 14 urtetan zehar.

Beraz, neure poza eta lasaitasuna konpartitu nahi nuen blog honek irakurle zaituzten guztiekin. Eta nahi dituzuen iradokizunak eta mezuak hartzeko prest nagoela berresten dizuet. Eskerrik asko.


It's official. The General Council of the Clerics of Saint Viator in Rome has approved my request for a year of exclaustration. This is generally taken as a previous step towards secularization; in fact, that was my first decision, but I thought that it does no harm to have an extra year to think things over a little. Anyway, secularization is still what I see in the horizon.

I’ve been thinking it over for almost three years now: this extra one would make it four. So, this hasn’t been a lightly taken decision, but a hard one, taken after a long discernment process. Then, if you are looking for reasons, in many posts below you’ll find plenty of them. But the main one is that I know that I’ve taken this decision before God and that She/He gives me peace, more and more every day. The ‘fight’ I maintain with the ‘official’ Church is a keystone to understand what has been going on inside me in this whole ordeal. I sensed the need of doing things right and, if I had to take a u-turn, that I had to do it, no matter what. So I’m glad I’ve done it.

As it seems I will be living in Sestao, in a rented house I found today, just some 109 m away from my job. I choose to work (for one year) at the same school I’ve been working 14 years.

So, I wanted to share in my joy and peace with all of you, readers of this blog. I am open to all your suggestions, reactions and messages. I thank you for all of them beforehand.



Santa Polan nago, amari laguntzen etxea atontzen eta, bide batez, egun batzuk pasatzeko itsas bazterrean, lasai lasai... Eta gaur goizean, 10:30 inguruan, Ama etorri zait telefonoarekin arrebaren deia nuela esanda... Telefonoa hartu, logalea kendu barik oraindik, eta arrebak esan dit 4. GELDITU NAIZELA OPOSIZIOAN!!! Beraz, ikasturte honetan guztian amesgaizto izan dena amets gozo bihurtu da bapatean. Eskerrik asko adorea erakutsi didazuen guztioi, hau irakurriko duzuenetako asko, egia esateko. Zerbait gehiago dakidanean, hementxe ikusiko duzue, baina ezin izango ditut zuen epostak erantzun, ez baitaukat internetik etxean. Ondo izan eta uda ondo pasa.


I am spending some nice vacation days with "Amatxo" (mum) in Spanish coastal side of the Mediterranean. This morning amatxo has awaken me and handed her cellular phone. It was Ana, my sister, who wanted to tell me that, at last, I HAVE OBTAINED A JOB as a civil servant teacher. It's been almost a nightmare during this whole school year, but now one of my dreams has come true! I want to thank you all who encouraged me during this ordeal, many of you readers of this blog. Any other further information I may obtain, I'll post it here, but I won't be able to answer your emails in a while, since I don't have internet at home. In the meanwhile, have a nice summer.


Pixka bat es mucho

Gaur, oposizioetako azterketa dudan honetan, euskararen aldeko zerbait jarri nahi dut hemen, labur-labur, berrikusi behar ditut apunteak eta. Bideoklip miresgarri hau egin dute Hizkuntza Politikako Sailburuordetzatik. Ea gustuko duzun! (eta opa zorte on azterketan!)

In this videoclip above you can see some young people encouraging everyone to talk or learn Basque, our national language. Today I am going to take the exam to become Basque Teacher Civil Servant. This post wants to be kind of a homage to my mother tongue. Wish me good luck!!


Zer nahi, hura ikusi - We do chose what to see

Ikusi nahi ez duguna inongo ahaleginik gabe oharkabean pasatzen zaigu. Horren susmoa badugu, jakina. Baina hona hemen froga zirraragarria. Ikasleekin lantzeko kontu interesgarria.

Whenever something displeases us we chose unconsciously not to see it. We have always suspected that, but there is proof now. Watch it. It's worth it. My students are going to reflect on that.


Jainko Ama - Mother God

Ipuin xarmangarri hau aurkitu dut sarean nenbilela. Jainkoa Ama baten modura azaltzen du; eta egiatik oso hurbil dagoela deritzot, bihotzak eta barrunbeek esaten didate. Ur freskoa edatea baino osasungarriagoa. Eta bistarentzat ere, oso atsegina. Gomendatzen dizut, biziki. Utziezu iruzkinen bat, eskertu egingo dute (Ipuina gaztelaniaz dago, sorry).

Jainko Amaren ipuina

Surfing through the Internet one can always find some pearls among all the junk. This is the case. Two wonderful women tell us a tale about God being a mum. It's so refreshing! Even more in these times, when so many prophets of the disaster make themselves almost the only ones heard. The drawings too are very nice. A true gift. (in Spanish, though)

Mother God's Tale


Beste Jainko bat da posible - A different God is possible

Sarean gora eta behera nenbilela, "Otro Dios es posible" webgunea aurkitu nuen. Biziki gomendatzen dizuet. "Un Tal Jesús"-en egileen beste maisulan bat, alafede. Bertan Jesukristo berriz Lurrera etorriko balitz egingo lizkioketen elkarrizketa batzuk (100) azaltzen dira. Gaika sailkaturik daude eta hainbat pertsonek, sinestedunek eta bestelako kontutan fededun direnek ere bere buruari galdetzen dizkioten hainbat kontu entzun eta irakur daitezke. Gaur, Homofobiaren Kontrako Nazioarteko Egunean, honako hau gomendatzen dizuet.


Surfing through the web, I found out a small miracle. Jesus Christ has come again and has granted 100 interviews in this site, called like the title of this post. The interviews are more than interesting, in Spanish though. The makers did also Un Tal Jesús, a radio broadcast about the Gospel. This site has all the chapters in Spanish, Portuguese and ENGLISH. Today, while the International Day against Homophobia is being celebrated all around the world, I recommend you this chapter. Enjoy it.


Ezagutzen d(na)uzu? - Do you know him/me?

Zeuk ere egin diezaiokezu barre zeure buruari hemen sartzen bazara. Webgune horretan, zeure edo lagunen argazkiak nahastu ahal izango dituzu pertsonaia ezagunenekin... Saiatu eta bidali ezusteko batzuk hortik zehar...


You also can have a laugh if you get into this website. There you can mix up your or your friends' pictures with some famous people's faces or hairstyles... Try it and give away some surprises!


Ile mozketa birtuala - Virtual hair cut

Jantzi zeure aurikularrak eta entzun beheko bideoa. Ileapaindegi birtual batean zaude. Eta ingelesez egonik ulertzen ez baduzu ere, berdin dio: efektua harrigarria da, benetan! Eta begiak itxita, askoz hobeto oraindik. Gozatu!

Put on your headphones, close your eyes and enjoy! You are in a virtual barber shop and if you close your eyes the effect will be even more amazing, if possible. Enjoy it!


A Fala de Xálima

Asteburu luze honetan "Extremauran" izan naiz, ezkontza batean. Nire adiskide Sonia eta Fran ziren ezkontzekoak eta, Sestaon bizi diren arren, bion familiak hangoak direnez, hantxe ibili ginen asteburu osoan. Udaberriko garai honetan are lurralde zoragarriagoa begitandu zait hangoa. Baina nire ustekaberik handiena hizkuntzaren aldetik etorri da. Izatez, bi hizkuntza desberdin aurkitu ditut, bizi-bizirik biak. Bata, "extremeñu" izena hartuko lukeena, eta bestea "A Fala de Xálima" litzateke. Lehena, "Extremaurako" inguru zabal batean hitz egiten da, Caceresko probintziaren ipar mendebaldean, lehen mapan ikus daitekeenez. Astur-leoneraren dialektoa litzateke eta, zenbait herritan, gazteek barra-barra erabiltzen dute. Ezkontidearen anaiak esan zidanez, esaterako, hotz naiz "tengu friu" litzateke; edo ilea busti, berriz, esmullecer el pelu.

Hori nahikoa izan ez balitz, hona anaiak berak esan zidala bazela gailegoaren dialektoa hitz egiten zuten hiru herri, Gatako mendikatearen magalean. Eta halaxe da, hemen eta hemen egiazta daitekeen moduan. Azpian dagoen mapak adierazten du herrion kokapena.

Jamaika ikusteko jaioak gara!


At the West-Southwestern corner of the Spanish State there is a region called "Extremadura". I've been there these four last days of our beloved May 1st bank holiday. some friends of mine were going to marry and I had to do the preaching at the ceremony. Which I did. But that's not the reason I'm writing now here.

I've discovered a very beautiful country, so green these days. And most of all, I've discovered two languages I knew almost nothing about. One of them is the so-called "Extremeñu", kind of a dialect of the better known "Bable", which is spoken from the coastal region of Asturies, far north of Extremadura, till there. I thought it had been lost far ago in these parts. But no; it seems to be quite strong yet, since young people still use it. The first map shows where this language is used.

The second language is even weirder than the previous one. In fact, it seems to be a dialect of Galician, the language spoken in the Northwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula. The second map gives its situation.

Interesting, isn't it?


Euskadi Irratiko audioak - The audio of Euskadi Irratia's interview

Lehen atala - First part (In Basque, sorry)

Bigarren atala - Second part (In Basque too)

Eta Hirugarrena - Third and last


Euskadi Irratian - At "Euskadi Irratia" Radio

Borja Agirre eta biok elkarrizketatu gintuzten atzo Euskadi Irratian, Faktoria saioan. Borja Eliza Gararen ordezkari gisa eta ni Kristau Sarearenean. Hori ikusita, laster asko asmatuko duzu zeri buruz hitz egitera deitu gintuzten. 20 minutuz ari izan ginen Elizan demokraziak irabazi behar dituen eremuei buruz (ia denak), gotzainak aukeratzeko prozesuari buruz (Bilboko elizbarrutiko gotzain laguntzaileaz luze jardun genuen), emakumearen papera (edo, hobe esanda, paper ezaz hainbat arlotan), gayen ezkontzaz, Elena Sanz Gotzainen Konferentziaren Buru izateko hautagaitza sinbolikoaz, Kristau Sareak bultzatutako Gotzain Hauteskunde keinuaz...

Biok geratu ginen gustura esandakoez. Erlatibismoaren kontrako gurutzada hasi den honetan, guk ere erlatibizatu egin genituen geure iritziak eta esan garrantzizkoena ez dela Elizaren hierarkia edo antolakuntza; ezta bertan ematen diren giza eskubide oinarrizkoenen urraketa bera ere -inportanteak diren arren, jakina-, baizik ea Ebanjelioari eta Jesusi leialak ote garen batzuk eta besteak, ea Fedea ote dagoen egiten dugunaren sustraian edo bestelako interesak.

Manu Etxezortuk Donostiatik eta Lurrek bertatik abagune ederra eman ziguten adierazi nahi genuen guztia esateko, moztu gabe eta ondo taxututako galderak eginez. Zorionak bioi eta lan-talde osoari!


Yesterday, half an hour before previously scheduled, Borja Agirre on behalf of We Are Church and yours truly on behalf of Kristau Sarea were at the studio of Euskadi Irratia Radio Station. The topic? You know, same as always: Democracy in the Church, Election of Bishops, Role of women in the Church (or absence of it), gay marriage, the symbolic elections of a woman (Ms. Sorority) as a Bishop and Ms. Elena Sanz as head of the Spanish Bishops' Conference...

We felt at ease there, as we were able to speak our mind with almost no restrictions (just time: 20'). Anyway, I would underline the fact that all those battles we fight against authoritarianism, or sexism, or bigotry in the Church are not -mustn't be- our biggest concern. Instead, to be loyal followers of Jesus and his Gospel, to do everything based on our Faith and confidence in God is what drives us. And we said it so.

I want to thank all the crew there, specially Manu Etxezortu and Lur. Their well thought questions and their respect for our answers made it a good program, in my opinion. Thanks!


Forges, telebista eta beste - Forges, television & sth else

Forges-ek, askotan bezala, bete-betean asmatu du oraingoan. Gutako asko komikiko pazientearen modura sentitzen gara, batetik geure kristau eta eliztar izateari eutsi nahian, eta bestetik "hor ez nabiek gure" pentsatuz. Eskerrak ez den dena kolore berekoa...

Esaterako, lehengo egunean, KALAKA saioan izan nintzen, agindu bezala, eta OPUSeko emakume jator batekin, Itxaro Solozabal, Miramonera eraman gintuen taxian joateko zorte ona izan nuen. OPUSekoa esan dut, bai; baita "jatorra" ere. Ezusteko atsegina izan zen: elkarren argudioak entzun eta errespetatu egin genituela esango nuke. Gure Joxe Arregi estimatua ere bertan izan zen. Haren iritziekin erabat ados ikusi nuen neure burua, berak nireak ikusiko zituen modu berean, seguru asko. Eta Koldo Martínez, neure izenkidea, izenean baino askoz gehiagotan dut kide: Arrasatekoa, San Viatorren ikasia, Arrasaten eta Gasteizen... eta bestelako loturak ere konpartitzen ditugu... Eta eskuz binakako txapeldunetako bat (Aimar Olaizola) ere agurtzeko modua izan nuen.

Oso ondo tratatu gintuzten eta, iradoki zutena egia bada, ez da deitzen nauten azken aldia izango. Ni, pozik. Zertarako esan kontrakoa? ATBn eman nituen lau urteak etorri zitzaizkidan gogora, bizi-bizi.

The comic strip above says something like this: "Either you stop caring about whatever the Bishops Conference says or you apostatize, but this has to stop". It reflects quite well how many of us feel too many times: willing to stay a member of the Church and a Christian and sensing something like "They don't want me here". But not everything is the same, thanks be to God...

For instance, I went, as promised, to the KALAKA show. The greatest thing was the people I met, over all a woman, Itxaro Solozabal, who belongs to OPUS, although she is a very nice person. We had the opportunity of sharing our thoughts and we respected each other very much. Joxe Arregi, a Franciscan friend of mine was there too; and Koldo Martínez, a doctor whom I share lots of things with, apart from the name. And there was also the Pelota champion Aimar Olaizola whom I had the chance to greet.

I enjoyed myself there. If I got it right, they are going to call me some other times to give my opinions in the show on religious matters. It reminds me of the times I worked in ATB, a local TV Network in Arrasate. I'll get you posted.



Iparraldeko hitz horrek "berriketan" esan nahi omen du. Ibon Sarasolaren Euskal hiztegiak honako ordaina ematen du: "2. Berriketa, berezk. gogaikarria dena" (kurtsiba neuk ipinita). Bada, asteazken honetan, martxoaren 26an, ETB1eko KALAKA saioko kalakari bat izateko gonbidatu naute. Gaia, Pagolaren "Jesús" liburua, hementxe duzuen bera. Gaueko 10:15etan hastekoa omen da eta espero dut gogaikarri ez gertatzea telebista aurrean jarriko zareten guztioi. Izan ere, eta dakidanagatik, Opusekoren bat ere izango da eta Joxe Arregi adiskidea. Beraz, eztabaida nahi bada, horixe bera egongo da, niri dagokidan partean, behintzat.

Bide batez, Pazko zoriontsua guztiontzat!


I've been invited to appear in a TV show next Wednesday, March 26, at 9:15 p.m. (GTM) - 2:15 p.m. local time in Chicago. The main topic is going to be the book "Jesús-Aproximación histórica" which I wrote about some posts ago. You might be able to look for some information about the show in this link, but I'm afraid you are not going to be able to watch it (I checked it out). Anyway, the channel's name is ETB 1 (Euskal Telebista 1) and the whole show is going to be in Basque. You wouldn't be able to understand much, I'm afraid. I'll tell you how it went.

By the way, I wish you a very happy Easter. Christ has raised!


Rouco? Niri bost - New President for the Bishop's Conference: I don't care

Rouco aukeratu dute inork aukeratu ez dituen horiek beren presidente izateko. Eta guri zer? Konferentzia horretako partaide izateko izendatu zituztenean ez ziguten guri galdetu. Ez digute galdetu ezta ea nor nahiago genuen presidentetzarako. Zeren haiek bai dira gai (gay ez, e!)zentzuzko aukerak egiteko. Gu, oinarriko kristauok ez, ordea. Beti "beste batzuek" esaten dutenari egin behar diogu kasu, guk ez baitakigu zer den ona guretzat...

Akaso umekeria dela esango duzue, baina niri kasu pitorik ere egiten ez didanari ez daukat zertan nik egin. Beraz, bejondeiela beren presidente dontsu horrekin. Patatekin jan dezatela!


The Spanish Bishops have elected their president. He is Antonio María Rouco Varela, the guy in the picture. The picture doesn't show, though, how right wing and neocon he is. Since next Sunday will be the election for the Spanish Congress, there was a big fuss about who would turn out president of the bishops: they could chose between the rightest wing ever (Rouco) or one of the rightest (Blázquez). You know now what their choice has been.

Do I care? Not in the least. No one asked us who we wanted to be our bishop. No one of the members of that group has been elected by the Christian People; "someones" appointed them. Why should I expect any hint of Democracy from where never was none?

So, let's live our Christian lives not paying attention to them. They don't deserve we give them any protagonism: they are NOT important. The poor are.


Kristau Sarearen bideoa - The video of Kristau Sarea (Christian Net)

Kristau Sareako lagunok bideotxo hau egin dugu Madrideko "Redes Cristianas" kolektiboaren bilkuraren harira. Blog honen egile apalak aurkeztu egiten du eta hanka sartu behin baino gehiagotan. Ikusi eta epaitu.

Lerro hauen ostean, berriz, "Pásalo" saioan agertu ziren nire adierazpenak agertzen dira, bi zatitan agertu ere. Roger Etxegarai euskal kardinalaren deklarazioen harira hitz egin nuen, baita Kristau Sarea eta Redes Cristianas-i buruz ere.


"Kristau Sarea" (Christian Net in Basque) is a group I belong to, which met with dozens of similar groups last November, in Madrid (we were more than 500 people at that meeting). As a result, a final communication was written which pointed out the things that the Church (and us in it) could do better, even those that only could get better, since worse seems impossible...

Well, that paper is a little bit long, so we decided that it could be a good thing if we made a video trying to explain what was going on in it. This is the fruit of all our efforts. Watch and judge (just in Basque and Spanish -sorry!).

After these lines there are two other videos, which in fact are just one cut into two halves. It is in Spanish and, again there is me explaining to the Basque TV (ETB) some things about Kristau Sarea and the declarations of Basque Cardinal Roger Etxegarai, saying that marriage of priests is a question to discuss in the Church, not something already settled. The second one is about the discussion some attendants had afterwards (in Spanish).


Mario Iceta: nahi eta nahi ez / Like it or not, our new Bishop is here

Alea jacta est. Eleizbarrutiko gotzain laguntzaile izendatu habe, iñok ez jakik zelan. Hik bai, baina. Hire barri ez daukan eleizbarruti batera hator, haren alde ez dok sekula santan apusturik egin eta orain, barriz, hementxe hago. Hainbeste titulu izanik eta hizkuntza jakinik, ez juat pentsetan iñok sinistu leikenik ez dakianik hire izendapenak zer esan gura dauen. Ze izendapena onartu izanak berak larritzen naik gehien. Hona nik (eta hik) ikusten ditudan akats larrienak:

  • Eleizbarrutiak ez jok izan zeresanik hire izendapenean. Are gehiago, ez dok ezelan be bultzatu kontsultarik edo antzekorik, saihestu egin nahi izan diralako, konbentzituta nak. Ez egik espero irentsi behar ei hauen eleizbarrutiagandik ezelango harrera berorik. Harrera beroa egingo dosken bakarra "placet"-a emon dosken Ricardo izango dok eta bere zenbait adiskide, esaten dauana esaten dauala baietza emoten dotseen horreek berak. Ez nik, ez guk, ez askok, ezta gehienak be...
  • Hire euskaldun izate hori saldu nahi izana gure borondatearen ordain modura. Guk nahi geunkek, seguru, geure gotzaina euskalduna izatea. Baina guztiaren gainetik gure eleizbarrutiak behar eta nahi dauen pertsona izatea. Eta hori lapurtu egin deuskuzue. Ezelango lotsa barik.
  • Izan duan prestakuntzagaitik irakurri leikek OPUSen inguruko sentsibilitatea daukaala. Eta Antonio Mª Roucok -guk ez bezala- zerikusi handia izan dauala hire izendapenean. Hi pertsonalki epaitu gura barik -ez haut ezagutzen- burla itxura hartzen jotsat horri. Eta errespetu falta ikaragarria. Zelan izendatu leikek kredentzial horreek daukazan bat Bilboko eleizbarrutiko buruorde? Eleizbarruti honek hamaika akats jaukazak, baina hik ordezkatzen duan eredu horretatik oso hurrin jak, Jaungoikoari eskerrak.
  • Komuniñoa aitatuko juek -dozue- hire izendapena onartu daigun. Bada, ez. Komuniñoari muzin egin dotseen lehenak hi izendatu habenak izan dituk. Beraz, ez espero guregandik jarrera otzanik. Hipokrisia itzela jak planteamendu horretan eta horretaz jakitun gazak. Kontutan euki.
Apirilean izango dok hire "gotzaintzea" Jaun Done Jakue Bilboko katedralean. Ez nok hor egongo, protestan egiteko ez bada.


A new auxiliary bishop has been appointed for our diocese of Bilbao. He is suspiciously young (42) and so close to OPUS that many people among us are very worried. Because no one really knows what's going on the minds of the Church rulers (they don't want us to), even though everybody suspects the worst. In the letter above I tell him the 4 main mistakes I see in his appoinment: 1)The diocese had no say in it; 2)His being Basque is sold as a fulfillment of the diocese's will, which is not; 3)Bilbao Diocese being so self conscious and advanced in may fields, this appoinment sounds as a joke and a very big lack of respect for it; 4) They have not respected the communion in the Church, so it mustn't be an excuse to make us accept it.


Agur Jaunak Alemanian - "Agur Jaunak" in Germany

Hona bideoklip harrigarri hau, azken aldi honetan sarean zabaldu dutena. Kelly familia kantari Alemaniako Loreley-ko jaialdian. Hunkigarria benetan!

In this video we listen to the old Basque song "Agur Jaunak" ("Farewell, gentlemen")sung by the Kelly Family in a festival in Loreley (Germany). It touched my heart, deep. The translation for the song would be something like this:

"Farewell, gentlemen, farewell.
Everyone of us was created by God,
both you all and us too.
Farewell, gentlemen, farewell,
here we are.
Farewell, gentlemen."

This currently sung by most Basque people at the end of parties or public events, while everyone stands up. Enjoy it.


Ezin tentazioari eutsi! - I cannot resist the temptation!

Gure familian kontu "marroiak" beti izan dira barre algarako motibo. Horrexegatik, bideo hau ikusi dudanean, ezin tentazioari eutsi. . Asteburu ona izan.


Farts and things of the kind always have been a good reason to have a laugh in my family. That's why I cannot resist the temptation. Here you are and enjoy the weekend.


Heath Ledger hil da - Heath Ledger is dead

Oraindik artega, ezin dut sinetsi Heath Ledger (argazkian) hil denik. Bere buruaz beste egin duela diote batzuek, gaindosiaz izan dela besteek... Berdin dio. Brokeback Mountain filmean izan zuen papera ahaztezina gertatuko zaigu asko eta askori, ni tarteko. Goian bego.

Informazio gehiago hemen

I am still shocked by the news that Heath Ledger, main character of Brokeback Mountain, is dead. It could be suicide, overdose... who knows. But his image won't disappear from the minds of all those who were somehow affected by that wonderful movie. Rest in peace.

More information here

Zilarraren Ibilbidea - The Silver Path

Nire lagun honek, Fran Llanos (argazkian), bere beste lagun batzuekin sekulako balentria egin dute berriki. Izan ere, erronka jarri zioten beren buruari 24 ordutan, 8 lagunen artean eta txandaka, "Ruta de la Plata" delakoa egingo zutela Extremadurari dagokion zatian (333 km). Bakoitzari maratoi oso bat (42 km) legokioke, nahikoa martxa onean, batez beste 13,85 Km/h.


Bertatik atera duten guztia (dirua, materiala, jokoak...) Sahararrentzat izango da eta badirudi jende askoren laguntza izan dutela. Zorionak eman dizkiot, jakina, baita bere emaztegai Soniari ere, haiekin egon baitzen erronkak iraun zuen denbora guztian, erizain lanak betetzen. Hemen beren bloga daukazu eta hemen Franen helbidea zorionak bidaltzeko. Argazkiak hemen.

My friend Fran (in the picture at the top) and some other 7 colleagues have recently achieved a wonderful goal: they bet they would run for 333 km (207 miles) in 24 hours top, in turns, running a Marathon (42 km - 26 miles) each. They had to run at 13.85 kph average speed (8.61 mph). All the goods they obtained from different sponsors is going to go to the Saharan people, from Western Sahara (occupied by Morocco for 32 long years now).

I have congratulated him and his girlfriend, Sonia, the wonderful blonde behind the flag (in the picture). If you want to do the same send Fran a message. More information at their blog. Pictures of the event here.


Pagolaren "Jesús": Hori liburu ederra! - "Jesús" by Pagola: what a wonderful book!

Joxe Antonio Pagolaren "Jesús - Aproximación histórica" liburua ia amaituta, azken aldiotan irakurri dudan gauzarik ederrena izan da. Nola ez, laster atera dira haren kontrako ahotsak. Betikoak, besteak beste. Tarazonako gotzainak gutun pastorala eta guzti kaleratu du, "arriskutsua" izan daitekeela argudiatuta (hemen). Nik, hori irakurrita, mezu hau bidali diot Joxe Antoniori.

Kaixo, Joxe Antonio. Elkar ezagutzen diagu, baina hi ez haiz nirekin gogoratuko, segurutik. Arrasateko San Viatorren ibili ninduan 16 urtez, San Viatorreko erlijiosoa naizenez, eta orduan ezagutu hindudan, hainbat aldiz gure Ikastolara hitzaldiak ematera etorri hintzen-eta.

Irakurri diat hire liburua (azken eranskinak baino ez zaizkidak falta) eta esan behar diat ikaragarri lagundu didala hilabeteko Gogo-Jardunen esperientzia berritzen. Nik ez diat irakurri teologo batek irakurriko lukeen bezala (Tarazonako webgunekoak, esaterako -horiek ere irakurri dizkiat), baina fededun baten begiradarekin. Eta hik heuk adierazten duan esperientzia hori, alegia, kapitulu bakoitzean Jesusi galdetzen hiola ea zer esaten zuen berak, nik neuk ere izan diat irakurtzean. Izan ere, ez diat jakin askotan otoitzean ari nintzen ala liburu ezin erakargarriago bat irakurtzen. Erabat hunkituta gertatu nauk irakurketagatik eta gogoratze hutsak negarrak eragiten zizkidak.

Esan behar diat, erabat zintzoa izateko, ez naizela ni izan, prezisamente, Jose Mari Setienekin ibili hintzen garai haren zaleetako bat. Ez, behintzat, zuen jardun pastoralaren (eta eliztarraren) aldekoa. Beti harritu izan naik hi ezagututa hainbeste kontu okerren aurrean ahotsa altxatu ez izanak (neure ikuspuntu partikularretik begiratuta, jakina). Baina ez diat honekin epairik bota nahi, ez bainaiz ni inor hi edo beste edonor epaitzeko. Hanka sartzen lehena izaten nauk, gainera; beraz, ezin inori ezer leporatu. Baina hik heuk esaten duk Vida Nuevan (uste diat) orain baduala ausardia garai batean esaten ausartuko ez hintzatekeenak esateko. Berdin sentitzen nauk; horrexegatik esan izan diat aurrekoa.

Bukatzeko ESKERRIK ASKO handi bat. Eclesalian argitaratzen duana zintzo-zintzo irakurtzen diat astero eta harengatik eskertuta egonik, liburuaren kontra agertutakoek aukera ematen zidatek neure elkartasuna adierazteko. Eutsi goiari eta nahi duan arte.

I have just finished my reading of the book "Jesús-Aproximación historica" by J.A. Pagola (Jesus: an historical approach). It happens to be a wonderful book which has renewed in me my deepest experience ever, i.e. the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius that I had in August 1993 (the whole month).

This book has been recently attacked by some bishop and theologians, all of them very concerned about losing the grip over Christians' minds. They deem it potentially "dangerous". You can read them here (in Spanish). The Jesus portrayed in Pagola's book, though, is so liberating, so very close to our humanity, no wonder some people can't stand him. That very same thing happened two thousand years ago...

Just in order to show him my solidarity I wrote the letter you have above (In Basque, sorry).

Radio Euskadin hitz egin dut - I spoke in Radio Euskadi

“http://izenaduenakbaduizana.blogsome.com/images/RadioEuskadi.jpg” irudia ezin da bistaratu, akatsak dituelako.

Aurreko sarrerako gaia zela eta, Radio Euskadiko Dani Álvarezek deitu zidan ea "cristianos de base" direlakoen izenean zerbait esango ote nuen. Baietza eman eta 6-7 minutuz aritu nintzen bere galderei erantzuten. Danik bere blogean haren inguruko komentarioa plazaratu du (gaztelaniaz). Hemen duzue esteka.


Last Friday I got a call from Radio Euskadi broadcast station. They wanted me to talk about our opinion ("us" being the 'low church' Christians) on the events in Madrid. Dani Álvarez, the director of the show, wrote about what was said (link here-in Spanish)


Familia gora eta familia behera - The family all over the place

Madriden izan zen bilkura hari "ekintza liturgiko" izena ezarri nahi izan zioten, mitina dei ziezaioketen modu berean.

Penagarriena ez da pertsona batzuek horrela pentsatzea. Hori zilegi da. Baina Elizaren izenean egitea larria da, benetan. Han egon zirenetako askori ikaragarri gustatuko litzaieke eliztar denok iritzi berekoak izatea. Eta horri "komunioa" deituko liokete.

Bada, ez, hori ez da komunioa. Nire irudiko, desberdinen artean lortzen den batasuna da komunioa, desberdintasunei, aniztasunari eutsiz.

Eta Madriden iradoki zuten guztiz kontrakoa, alegia, "gure familia ereduarekin bat ez datorren guztia ez da familia". Eta kitto... Ez dut nik Jesus ikusten horrelakoak botatzen...


There has been recently a so-called "liturgical act" which turned out to be a political demonstration. The motto was the defense of the Family and the callers the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Rouco Varela and most of the right wing movements of that diocese (specially Kiko Argüello's "neo-catechumenals"). The attendants were less than 180.000 where more than 1.5 million were expected.

As said, it turned out to be a pre-election meeting, conceived just against the policies promoted by the labour government of Rodríguez Zapatero, as gay marriage, the so-called divorce-express law and the funds for single mothers (!).

I don't see much of Jesus in that kind of demonstrations. In this State of ours Church and State are not yet completely separated, and Bishops feel they could have an influence over the politics of Spain. Another way to retain power...

What a pity!


La lengua de Cervantes (II)

Oraingoan beste adiskide batek bere haserrea erakutsi dit bloga euskaraz eta ingelesez "baino" ez dagoelako... Bota dizkiodan argudioak aurreko posteko berberak izan dira, baina haserre puntu bat bai nabaritu dut neugan (berari ez diot hau aditzera eman, baina).

Ez dakit ez ote den hazten ari euskaldunon azpiespezie bat: euskara babesten dutela esaten dutenena gaztelania babesten ari direnean... Eta ia ohartu ere egin gabe... Jamaika ikusteko jaio gaituk!

Edozein modutan, gaziak gozatzeko, hona Eitb-k atera duen iragarkia. Barregarria eta zorrotza aldi berean. Gozatu.

Ikusten ez bada, hemen klikatu

There has been an other friend of mine who was almost outraged because this blog is "just" in both English and Basque; not in Spanish. The reasons I've given her have been the same ones from the previous post. But this time I felt a little bit of anger growing in me, even though my response has been politically correct.

I've began to think that there might be a subspecies of Basque people: those who claim to be protecting Basque while they actually are defending Spanish... And they don't even realize what they are doing...

Anyway, just to put a bit of humor in all this, have a look at this clip above. Eitb (the Basque Media Network) has been awarded a "Q" of quality, so they have made this ad to celebrate it. In the discussion the Russians think that they are under attack. When the chief asks who they are, the answer is "the Basques"... Enjoy!

If you cannot see it, click here


La lengua de Cervantes

Atzo adiskide min batek galdetu zidan, harrituta, ea gaztelania gorroto nuen, blog honetara sartu eta euskaraz eta ingelesez idatzitako postak ikusten zituelako, ez gaztelaniaz, ordea. Ezetz esan nion, jakina, dakizkidan hizkuntza guztiak (5) maite baititut, gaztelania barne.

Tristea deritzot, hala ere, ondoren eman nizkion azalpenak eman behar izate hutsari: euskara nire hizkuntza dela, amets egin, otoitz egin eta pentsatzeko erabiltzen dudana; hainbat lagun nituela "overseas" idazten nituen kontuak interesez irakurtzen dituztenak. Baina ematen ahaztu zitzaidan argudio nagusia eman ez izana da tristeena: hizkuntzen (des)oreka bizi dugun honetan, gaztelaniak ez duela inondik inora ere nire babesaren beharrik; euskarak bai, ordea. Eta ingelesarekin lotzean, modernotasunaren aroan sartzen laguntzen diodala otutzen zait.

Nik ez dut sinesten hizkuntzen arteko oreka posible denik. Eta nirearen alde egiten dut dakidan eta ahal dudan bitarteko eraginkorrenekin. Badira, tamalez, euskara hutsezko konturik begi onez ikusten ez dutenik, gaztelania hutsezkoak egunez egun eta arlo guztietan etengabe ikusten ohituta. Ez naiz ni, bada, horietakoa...

A very dear friend of mine told me last night that she was shocked by the fact that this blog was written just in Basque and English, without any Spanish in it. She wondered whether I hated Cervantes' tongue (that's the headline's translation). Of course I don't. I happen to love every one of the 5 languages I can use.

It was quite sad for me, though, to have to remind her about Basque being my mother tongue, the one I use to think, dream and pray. I don't see why I should link it to Spanish. Like Basque couldn't live by itself, without the Spanish's 'help'; no way.

On the other hand, the reason for this to be written in English is mainly to make this blog understandable for many people around the World; but also to link my weak mother tongue to the main current of modernity, which, in fact, expresses itself in English.

I don't believe that perfect balance between languages is possible. That's why I struggle in all ways at hand to put mine in a better position; I don't think Spanish need my protection, does it?


Betikoek betikoa - Just as always: they again!

Bart nire herri honetan izandako eztandaren irudiak dira hemen gainean ikus ditzakezunak. Komentariorik ez dela behar uste dut nik, baina gauza bakarra otutzen zait: utzi gaitzazue bakean!!

Last night there was an explosion at the local court in Sestao. The bomb was set by ETA, that's for sure. No comment. I just want to ask them to leave us alone for good!!!